Part 30

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"What did you do?" Blaise asked Draco, unnerved at the sight of the Dark Lord's son in clear distress.

"He misunderstood what I asking. I just want to make sure he is safe" Draco said, guilt evident in his voice.

"Well, I suggest that you hurry and make up with him, half the room right now is plotting your death" Blaise said, leaving out that he was thinking the same thing as the other Slytherins.

Draco hurried out of the common room and up to where his and Haydens dorm was, hoping that he didn't put any locking charns up.

Once he got up to their room, he paused, taking a breath, preparing himself for an argument that he hoped would not come.

He checked the door handle, but he couldn't open it, so he did lock me out.

"Hayden? Will you please open the door?" Draco tried.

No response. He tried again.

"Hayden, I would like to apologize to you face to face, not through a door. So, please, will let me in?"

After minute, Hayden finally opened the door. When Draco walked in, the first thing he saw was Hayden wrapped up in blankets in a ball on his bed. Draco couldn't help but think he looked adorable!

"Hayden." Draco said softly while sitting on the edge of Haydens bed. "May I say your beautiful face?"

"Flattery won't help you" Haydens muffled voice stated.

"I am only stating a fact, you are and always will be beautiful" Draco replied while gently removing the covers away from Haydens face.

"Hayden, I apologize for the way I sounded in the hall. I only want to make sure that you safe. I know just how capable you are, especially in life or death situations and I admire that. In fact, I was probably a little jealous of that. That and the fact that everyone loved you. I was jealous because I wanted that too." Draco moved down to wrap the other boy in his arms.

"I have learned, though, that is much more to your life than I ever knew about, and I am feel so special that you have included me in that life. I may not have always been the nicest person to be around-" Hayden scoffed "-alright, I was almost never nice, but I am trying to make up for it now. Hayden, I love you and that is why it would absolutely kill me to see you get hurt. Will you please accept my apology and understand that I will always do my best to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you?"

Hayden stared up at Draco from his bundle of blankets.

"I'm still upset with you,... but for now, I guess I can accept it" He said with a small pout.

Draco smiled, happy that Hayden has seemed to forgiven. He's going to have to work hard though to make sure he doesn't say the wrong and this doesn't happens again.

Draco hugged Hayden tighter before loosening his arms and peppering the bundled up boys face with lots of kisses, making Hayden giggle.

"Alright, alright" Hayden started "Now, come to bed, I have big day tomorrow"

Draco soon was in pajamas holding Hayden, both under the blankets.

"I love you, Hayde"

"I love you too, Dray"

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