Part 40

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Hayden and Draco arrived back in their room after dinner in time to see Hedwig land on their desk with a letter in her beak.

Hayden quickly walked over and took the letter from her and giving her a treat as a thank you.

Taking a seat next to Draco on the bed, he opened the letter:

Dear Mr. Potter,

Thank you for the letter, we were all starting to worry at your absence here at Hogwarts. I am not sure where you are, but I am sure know where the lake in the Forbidden Forest is. We will meet there on this day next month to ensure you arrive safely. We will discuss how to take your next steps then.

- Dumbledore

"He wants to meet after the second task. I mean, that's good right? Focus on Dumbledore later when you life isn't being threatened" Draco reasoned.

"I guess. It also gives me more time to think on how exactly I have to go about dealing with him. Do I want him dead or do I just want to string him along until the war inevitable happens?" Hayden questioned.

The two boys sat in silence for a minute after Hayden voiced his question, both thinking on what should happen next, Hayden having more of an idea of where he wants the whole thing to go more than Draco does.

Suddenly, a golden glitter catches Haydens eye, bringing his attention over to the object sitting on a side table in the corner of the room.

"Oh my gosh, how could I forget!?" Hayden exclaimed while falling back on the bed.

"What" Draco asked leaning back on the bed so he was looking over Hayden.

"The clue for the next task, I had completely forgotten about and its in a couple of weeks!" Hayden whined.

"Drake what am I going to do? How do I even start?" Hayden continued.

"Don't worry baby we have a week and a half to figure it out. You're smart, I have no doubt that you'll have any problems" Draco consoled, leaning down to kiss Hayden.

"Thank you. I guess I should start with the egg, huh?"

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