Part 12

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Hayden quickly rushed to hide to in the corner to try and escape his uncles rage.

"Don't think you can hide from me, boy!" Hayden heard his uncle yell from inside his old room. The door slammed open as the big walrus of came storming into the room, Hayden trying his hardest to disappear as he kept shuffling back into the closet door.

Hayden closed his eyes, hiding his face into his arms as if to shield himself from the man berating him. "After all this family has done for you, took you in and gave you a bed and the clothes on your back, this is how you repay us! By stealing from my son!" Hayden shook from fear, tears running down his face. He knew what was coming, maybe if he stayed quiet it would end faster.

"You are a disgrace! No wonder no cares for you, you freak! Your a burden!" Vernon yelled, as he undid his belt.

At this point Hayden was sobbing, he flinched as he heard the belt come undone. He tried to contain a yelp of pain as the belt made contact with his skin.

He whimpered, tring to brace himself from the next hit, but it never came. All he heard was silence.

Little be little Hayden was able to breath a bit calmer. Suddenly something touched. He flinched backwards, noticing that the closet he braced himself against was no longer there.

Hayden uncurled himself and tried to crawl away from the danger he thought was there, but when he looked up, relief washed over him. It was his Draco, and behind him were his parents.

Hayden shakly tried to stand up, reaching up to hug his mate, but was abruptly pushed back down to the ground. He looked up confused, his mind still a bit foggy from his encounter with his uncle.

"D-Draco?" Hayden said, his voice hoarse from crying. Draco looked back down him with a frightening scowl. His father walked up to him and knelt down next to him.

Hayden looked at him not knowing what to expect. His father reached a hand toward him, ignoring the boys flinch and roughly grabbing him by the neck.

"Pity" the man hissed, his red eyes glowing with menace "you were never meant to be found, much less live. What possessed you to think we would want you back"

Hayden's heart broke. The only family he had, never wanted him? They meant to just leave him? Tom ripped his hand away from Hayden and stood up pointing his wand toward the boy sitting on the floor, shaking with tears.


Hayden screamed in pain, both physical and emotional. Hayden tried looking to Draco and his mother for help, but they were just standing there, laughing.

The pain stopped and Draco walked up to him, crouching down in order to meet his eyes. "I can't believe you thought I ever cared about you. Your a pawn, a fool. You should've known that nobody can love you"

Draco leaned in close to Hayden, smirking, as he brought his lips to Hayden's ear. Hayden felt his heart shatter.

"I have never loved you, and I never will"


Draco woke up next Hayden with an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He felt he was being crushed and was on the verge of tears, but didn't know why.

He looked over to the boy he thought was peacefully sleeping next to him, and saw that he had tears staining his cheeks.

Draco turned the ebony haired boy over so he could see him more properly and saw that he was silently sobbing. Draco panicked not knowing what was going on.

He must be having a bad dream, a nightmare. What else could explain it?

Draco tried to gently shake the boy awake to no avail. "Hayden" Draco whispered while shaking him a little more roughly. He still wouldn't wake up.

"Hayden!" Draco said louder and shook him more, but still nothing.

"Baby, please!" Draco was almost crying "Wake up!"

Hayden shot awake while a loud sob wracking his body. He was know opening sobbing, panicked. He looked around not recognizing at first where he was.

He looked to see the blonde next to him, and almost fell out off the bed. "Hayden!" Draco cried in concern.

"Stop! Please, I'm sorry!" Hayden sobbed, tring to get away from Draco.

"Hayden, no, please!" Draco tried to say calmly, but it came out strained. He know what was happening and it was scaring him. He didn't like that fact the he couldn't protect his mate, and didn't like it even more when it was apparently him Hayden needed protecting from.

Hayden had somehow made his way into to the corner of the room, underneath the writing desk. Draco cautiously got out of bed and slowly made his way over to Hayden.

Sensing this, Hayden tried to back himself into the wall more, curling in on himself, making a ball.

"Hayden?" Draco said gently. The only response he got was a quiet whimper.

"Hayden, come here" Draco whispered gently, slowly reaching out his hand so as not to startle him. Suddenly Hayden's wings burst out and immediately wrapped around himself protectively and Draco could hear the other start to breath heavily.

Oh no. Draco thought to himself as he quickly got a struggling Hayden out from underneath the desk.

"Hayden. Hayden, listen to me. Your safe, I'm here" Draco said while trying to calm down the boy now in his arms.

"But your lying" Hayden cried brokenly. "You said you didn't care" he said as bawled.

Draco was both confused and de estates that his mate would think the he didn't care for him, of course he did! He loved Hayden!

"Hayden, no, don't say that I told you that. You were dreaming, it was just a dream. I love you!"

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