Part 37

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Hayden woke feeling warm and safe. He opened his eyes slowly, thankful for the dim light. The first thing he saw when waking up was the color green. He looked around and soon deducted that he was in his room in Slytherin.

He tried to get up, but immediately found that he couldn't due to a certain blonde who had his arms wrapped securely around the raven.

He smiled when seeing Draco next to him.

He went to move his free arm so he could snuggle into his boyfriend, but winced as he tried to do so, only now realising how burned his arm was.

"Draco" Hayden whispered.

"Dray, wake up" he whispered again a couple minutes later.

Slowly, Draco bagan to wake up. A pair of beautiful silver eyes looking over to Hayden.

"Hayde! You're awake!" Draco cried surging over Hayden and leaning down to kiss him.

When the two were satisfied, they broke apart.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" Draco asked worriedly.

"Other than my arm, I'm just fine" Hayden answered.

Draco continues to look Hayden in the eyes for a moment before telling him to wait there for a second and that he'll be back in a minute before leaving the bed and out the door of their room.


A couple minutes later, Severus comes rushing into the room followed by Draco.

"Hayden, are you okay! I can't believe you're finally awake!" He ran over to his son and gave him a big hug.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" Hayden asked while hugging his mother back.

"You were asleep for a little over two days" Draco told him, "It's the middle of the night now"

"Oh" was Hayden's reply. "Wait, did I finish the task?"

"Yes you did" Severus answered, letting him go and helping him to sit up.

"Where is the egg then? I haven't seen it?"

"It's over on the desk" Draco said, pointing over to the desk.

"So, what happened then?" Hayden asked, a bit confused.

"You passed out right after you had gotten the egg" Draco replied.

"How did I get here then?"

"Well, Dumbleodre had tried to pick you up so he could take you to the infirmary, but before he could lay a finger on you, Draco almost tore his arm. Next thing we all knew both you and Draco were gone. You can see where you ended up" Severus explained.

Hayden looked over to Draco to see that he was blushing out of embarresment.

"Come here, Draco! Thank you!" Hayden said before hugging Draco as hard as he could with only one arm.

"Your welcome, baby" Draco said hugging him back.

"Now, lets see what we can do about your arm, hmm!" Severus said, standing up.

My Slytherin Prince ( Discontinued Version )Where stories live. Discover now