Part 35

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A couple days later found Hayden pacing nervously in the Champions tent waiting for the first task to start.

"Are you okay" an accented voice behind him asked.

Hayden turned to see Viktor Krum looking at him with a compassionate look in his eyes.

"I'm fine, thank you" Hayden dismissed before going back to pacing.

Not even a minute later the headmasters of each school and Mr. Crouch entered the tent.

"Good day Champions! Gather round please" Dumbledore started.

"Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only the four of you can appreciate! Barty, the bag"

"Champions, in a circle around me" Barty directed moving Fleur on his left, Viktor next to her, Cedrick between Viktor and Hayden, who was on Barty's right.

"Now, Miss Delacour, if you will" Opening up the bag for her to choose whatever was inside it.

She stuck her hand, taking out a small dragon.

"The Welsh Green" Barty announced moving on the Viktor.

Dragons! Their having us face dragons! Are they bloody insane!! Hayden thought to himself, struggling to prepare himself for this unexpected turn of events.

"The Chinese Fireball" He moved on to Cedrick, breaking Hayden out of his panicked thoughts.

"The Swedish Short-Snout"

Now it was Hayden's turn. He slowly and hesitantly lowered his hand into the velvety bag, flinching a bit when he felt little sharp claws dig into his skin. He pulled the reptile out to reveal his dragon.

"The Hungarian Horntail"

Now Hayden was extra nervous, these dragons were known for being especially ornery.

"These represent four very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple: collect the egg. This you must do, for each contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?"

Yeah, what if I die!? The raven thought frantically.

"Very well, good luck champions. Mr. Diggory, at the sound of the cannon you may-" but the old man was cut off by the very cannon he was referring.

The first task has begun.

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