Part 22

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The two had decided that they would just walk the grounds of the school. They roamed the grounds, talking about whatever random thought popped into their heads.


Hayden woke up the next morning to Draco calling his name. They had to get up soon, so they could make it to breakfast in time before their first class, Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Hayden didn't want to get up, so he pretended to stay asleep next to Draco, who was trying to get him up.

"Hayden" Draco said, shaking the boy next to him gently.

"Hayden" Draco said again louder, shaking him a bit more roughly. Still, Hayden remained to appear asleep.

Alright Hayden you have forced my hand Draco thought, grinning mischievously. "Are you sure you don't want to wake up?" Draco asked, giving his love one last chance.

"Alright" Draco said as he descended on Hayden, tickling him mercilessly.

Hayden shrieked with laughter, trying to get away from Draco's hands so he could breath, but the blonde wouldn't let him.

"DRAY-CO" Hayden tried speaking, but couldn't because he was laughing so hard. "STOP" he squealed.

Draco laughed at Hayden, finally letting up on tickling his mate awake, letting the other boy catch his breath.

"You're mean" Hayden breathed out. Draco just smiled deviously, "Well, I suggest waking up next time". Hayden replied by sticking his tongue out at Draco, the blonde doing the same in return.

"Come on, we have to get ready if we want to make it on time for breakfast" Draco said, getting out of bed. "Fine" Hayden followed reluctantly.

They both showered and started to get dressed. Once they were done they started to make their way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Hey Draco?" Hayden spoke up once they had exited the dungeons.


"Do you know when the quidditch tryouts are?"

"Are you wanting to be the seeker for Slytherin, Hayde?" Draco smirked.

"Hayde? Where did that come from?" Hayden asked with the most adorably confused face Draco has ever seen!

"It's the first half of your name. Plus it sounds sounds cute, just like you" Draco whispered the last part in Haydens ear, causing a light blush to creep across the smaller boys face.

"Well, you can call me Hayde, but only if I get to call you Dray" Hayden bargained.

"I would love that" Draco smiled, leaning down and giving Hayden a quick peck on the lips before continuing on their way.

Not 5 seconds later, a certain redhead comes barreling down the hallway and straight into Hayden, almost knocking him flat on his face if Draco wasn't there to catch him.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Draco yelled at the Weasley, glaring at him harshly.

"I'll watch where I'm going once you get out of my way" the Weasel said, glaring right back at the two.

"Where are you in a hurry to anyway? Can't be so important that you have to run and ruin everyone's good day" Hayden retorted.

"Actually this is very important, way more important than the like of you and the Ferret over there!" Draco growled lowly at that. "Speaking of the Ferret, I bet you have something to do with it! What did you do to Harry?" the redhead shouted, trying to seem powerful.

"Why do you think we did anything? Why would he be here at all? He obviously wasn't on the train. If your so worried why haven't you asked Dumbledore, is that the smart thing to do? Oh, wait, I forgot, your intelligence is below average isn't it" Hayden said with mock sympathy, a fake pout plastered on his face.

Draco stood smugly behind Hayden, after a second the two boys broke out in laughter at the Weasels tomato red face. You could tell he wanted to say something, but obviously nothing was coming to him.

He sharply turned on his heel and stormed off in the direction he came from, Draco and Hayden laughing behind him.

Once they stopped laughing they continued there way to the Great Hall, getting there a little bit after the start of breakfast.


Walking in, Draco led them over towards the center of the table where their friends were sitting.

The two sat next next to each other, Pansy sitting next to Draco and Blaise sitting next to Hayden. Across from the two sat Theodore Nott, next to him both Crabbe and Goyle sat quietly.

"Hello, I don't believe we've met" Theodore said to Hayden, reaching across the table and taking Haydens hands. "My name is Theodore Nott, but you can call me Theo" The taller boy said, leaning down and kissing the top of Haydens hand.

Hayden tried not to openly grimace, at this show of affection. "Thank you, but I can assure you, I won't be calling you anything. Besides, I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate that at all" Hayden replied in a drawl.

"Boyfriend?" Theodore seemed to reel back, he hadn't even looked over at Draco until now, to find the blonde coldly staring at him. He quickly got the message. "Of course, my apologies" He quickly said, sitting back down.

Draco spent the rest of breakfast holding Haydens hand underneath the table while they ate, waiting until it was time to go to their first class of the day. 

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