Part 3

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When Harry woke up again, it was dark out. He looked around, noticing that he was on his stomach and in the same room. He tried to sit up, but when he went to do so, he felt an unusual weight on his back weighing him down. He turned his head, trying to see what was on his back. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw two big gold feather wings connected to his back.

    He stared in shock. Why do I have wings? He wondered. He again tried to get, careful of the wings on his back. Once he was successfully able to sit up, he quickly looked around and Severus Snape sitting in chair his bed in the darkly lit room. He appeared to be sleeping. Harry quietly tried to get out of bed without bothering the sleeping man, but failed as he was unused to the added weight on his back and fell to the floor with a thud! Severus quickly jumped awake, thinking someone else was in the house besides himself and Harry, but calmed down when he saw that Harry had just fallen when trying to stand. He went over to the boy and helped up while asking what he was doing up at this hour.

    "I'm not sure, Sir. I just woke up and decided to get up. I'm not sure why" Harry said quietly. "That's alright Harry, would you like to see what you look like?" Severus asked. Harry looked at him, confused. The older man went ahead and led him into the bathroom so Harry could see himself in the mirror.

    When Harry looked in the mirror he surprised to see that the wings were not the only things that changed about him! His hair had grown an inch or two and was two shades darker. Making it look more black than brown. His eyes were still an emerald green but now had a ring of black on the outside and smaller ring of gold on the inside encasing the green between them. His facial features had softened slightly and his face was more rounded than before. His waist had slimmed and his hips had widened a bit, making him look more feminine than he was. He actually kinda liked how he looked. He thought it fit him more.

He looked back towards his potions professor who was behind him and gave a little smile, receiving one in return. Harry looked back at himself in the mirror. "Why do I have wings?" he asked. "You have gone through an inheritance and because of the creature you are, you have wings" Severus responded.   

    Harry had heard Hermione talk about creature inheritance once after reading a book about it. She had shared a pretty in depth summary of the whole book to both Harry and Ron once she was done with it. So he had an idea about what Severus was talking about when he said the he had gone through an inheritance.

"Um, Sir? What am I?" he asked. "You are a Phoenix. It can be very similar to a veela, but we are overall more powerful when it comes to our magic. We are also more skillful flyers and are able to hide ourselves while in the sky in plain sight" said Severus. Harry looked at his wings again, this time with eyes filled of wonder. "Do they stay out all the time? How am I going to hide them when school starts?" Harry asked. Severus smiled at him. "No, you are able to hide them. Just concentrate on them disappearing, and they will"

Harry closed his eyes and concentrated on his wings after a minute or two, he felt his wings disappear into his back. He opened his eyes again and saw that his wings weren't there anymore. He turned around to look at his back and saw a shimmering gold tattoo in the shape of his wings spreading down the length of his back. He looked back at the man standing beside him and smile up to him. Severus smiled back at him. "You figured it out, now let's get you back to bed. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow"

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Harry wondered. "We are going to Gringotts tomorrow. You will see why tomorrow, now, back to bed" Severus said leading Harry back to his bed. He stayed with Harry until he fell asleep, then went back to own his room and got ready to go to bed himself.


The next day Harry and Severus apperated into Diagon Alley and made their way to Gringotts. Harry was a bit nervous, Severus had told him that they were going to get an inheritance test, but Harry didn't quite know what that meant.

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