Part 20

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"Mr. Riddle we are going to have you be sorted before the first years"

"Alright" Hayden said, a little excitement showing in his voice.

"Come with me" She led him to where all the other first years where waiting patiently to be sorted. Not many payed to much attention to him when he joined them, other the occasional stare from those he knew would most likely be sorted into Slytherin.

When the doors to Great Hall opened, he walked with the first years to the front of the Hall where McGonigal was. Next to her was a stool and the beat up old sorting hat.

Once the hat was done greeting the students with his song, McGonigal began calling students up to be sorted, the first one of course being Hayden.

"Hayden Riddle"

The Hall was silent. Nobody except the Slytherins and a few professors knew who else the name of Riddle belonged to, but they knew that it probably wasn't very friendly.

Hayden confidently walked up to the stool and sat down. A second later, he felt the hat being placed on his head. The hat began to talk to Hayden.

Ah, I was wondering if I would be looking through your mind again. I am pleased to see you have found who are. Now let's get you sorted into your proper house now, shall we!

"SLYTHERIN" The hat called out.

I smiled proudly out to the audience watching me as I stood up. As I walked to the table, I looked over to were the professors were all sat and saw my mother smiling proudly at me.

I guess that might be another reason as to why the Hall was as quiet as it was, seeing as how Profesor Snape had rarely showed any expression the last years he was at the school.

I walked to the table and took a seat next to Draco how was also smiling. Some of the other Slytherins were staring at me, some looked as though they could've been afraid, he guessed they recognized his last name. Others just looked curious.

Once the sorting was done, Dumbledore went up to the podium to give his beginning of the year speech and school rules and whatnot. Many of the Slytherins including Hayden did not pay attention.

Once Dumbledore was done, the feast began. Draco being the overprotecting sweetheart that he is, made sure that Hayden had plenty of food on his late and that it was all food that he liked.

Once dinner was done with and desert had been served, all the students were sent to there respective house dorms, the first years being lead by the prefects of each house.

Draco led Hayden to the Slytherin dorms were the were met by Severus.

"Hello, again mother!" Hayden said while giving Severus a hug. "Didn't I tell you I would be in Slytherin?"

"Yes, I had heard about that. Now let's get you set up in you room. Follow me" Severus said proudly.

Hayden followed the man with Draco following behind. The three walked up the stairs to the fourth years dorms.
Severus explained to Hayden that every student gets their own dorm that they have to share with one other person.

The person Hayden will be rooming with was in fact Draco Malfoy. Hayden tried to contain a blush as Draco smirked at him. After walking down the hall Severus stopped and they turned to the door with their names on it.

"This is where you will be staying for this year. If you need anything or have any questions, please come find me. Now, I have to attend the first years" Severus smiled at the two before turning back down the hall and into the common room.

"Are you ready to see your new room, Love?"

"Of course" And the two went in. 

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