Part 56

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10 days since his rebirth, Hayden has grown into a very adorable but very smart 9 year old.

Tom and Severus have spent every moment that they could with their son, watching him grow and getting to know him as a young child. But as much as they try, they cannot get out of their duties as leaders of the 'dark', or grading assignments.

During these times when his parents have other things they need to attend to, Hayden will be Draco. But today Hayden was by himself as his parents were in a meeting with his fathers' followers and Draco was visiting his mother.

Hayden was in room, sitting in his bed as he read a book about the history of dragons and snakes. As he was reading his eyes started to grow heavy and soon he fell asleep.


Tom and Severus were both in a meeting to discuss their next steps in the brewing war between the 'dark' and 'light'.

About halfway through the meeting, the creaking of an old door being slowly opened could be heard.

Whoever was speaking stopped immediately upon hearing the sound. Everyone seated around the long table looked to why the door had opened but were met with two sad ruby eyes peeking at them while the rest of him was hidden behind the door.

"Hayden, did you need something?" Tom asked.

Hayden came out from behind the door and looked down at the floor, nodding as an answer.

"Come here sweetie" Severus said feeling that something was off.

Hayden timidly made his way to the edge of the table where his father was sitting at the head and his mother next to his father.

When the boy got closer, Tom could see that he had been crying.

"What happened, my little one?" Tom said as he gently picked his son up and placed him in his lap so they could be face to face.

"I had a nightmare" Hayden mumbled as he continued to stare at his hands which were placed in his lap, sniffling every so often.

Tom immediately stood up and shifted Hayden so he was in his hip and began to walk out of the room with Severus behind him.

Just before he reached the door, he addressed the rest of his followers, "You are all dismissed. Go home" Tom said shortly before exiting the room.


The three soon made it up to Hayden's room, all sitting on Hayden's bed while Hayden stayed in Tom's lap.

"Now, will you tell us about your nightmare?" Tom said as he positioned Hayden so he was facing both parents.

"It was about my...." Hayden mumbled, his last words blurring together incoherently.

"Could you tell us again, sweetheart? We couldn't hear you" Severus said gently as he reached out to wipe a tear starting to fall down his son's cheek.

"Um...It was a memory I think. It was about my Uncle Vernon and my Aunt Petunia" Hayden said quietly, his voice starting to choke up.

"Oh, Hayden" Severus and Tom sandwiched him in a big hug as Hayden started to cry again.

They both knew what Hayden had to deal with when he lived with those horrid muggles.

They comforted Hayden until he was able to stop crying and stayed with him until he finally able to fall asleep peacefully again.


Draco got back to the Manor around early, mid-evening. The only reason he was back so early was because his father's meeting was cut short due to something happening with Hayden.

As soon as Draco heard that, he was flueing to Riddle Manor.

When he arrived he rushed out of the fireplace and ran straight up to Hayden's room to check on him.

When he finally got to Hayden's room, he took a second to breathe before quietly opening the door to see Hayden and his parents all curled up in Hayden bed sleeping.

Draco couldn't help but smile at the sight before slowly closing the door and walked to his room.

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