Part 27

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"Hayden Riddle"

Hayden sat there frozen in shock. How did his name get in the cup? Who put it there?

Draco was confused as well. He knew that it was planned to enter Harry Potter into the tournament from talking with his father, but he had been told that the plan was called off and that no such thing would happen. But it did.

"Hayden Riddle!" Dumbledore yelled, sounding fed up.

"NO!" Draco shot back. He stood and stalked right up to Dumbledore. "How dare you put him in the tournament!" Draco said getting right into the old man's face.

Severus quietly but quickly walked over to where the two in the middle of the room. "Draco stand down"

"No, I will not! He is trying to kill Hayden, why else would he call his name!"

Draco felt a hand land softly on his shoulder, calming him enough to be able to breathe more properly.

"Draco calm down" Hayden whispered.

As Draco calmed more, the air around them did as well.

"Come with me you two and we will get this sorted out" Severus said quietly to the two boys.

Draco, still not wanting to accept this, grabbed onto Haydens hand and, as gently as he could, dragged him into the room all the other Champions went to.


As the two entered the elaborately decorated room, Draco could feel the anxiety radiating from the small boy behind him.

Ignoring the stares of the three other students in the room, Draco led Hayden to a corner in the room. He sat down on the floor placing Hayden in front of him, before bringing out is wings to hide them from the prying eyes of the other three in the room and the soon to be questioning teachers.

"Draco, why does it seem as though everyone is out to get me? Every year something like this happens!"

"Don't worry Hayde, I won't let anything happen to you! I'll do everything I can to get you out of this!"

"Thank you, Dray. Are you doing better, have you calmed down at all?" Hayden asked looking into the blondes silver eyes.

"No, but I will be when find a way to get you out of this thing"

"Thank you, Draco"

They sat in silence for a moment more before someone decided they were going to break their moment.

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