Part 49

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"I'm sure that you are all familiar with the incident that had recently happened at Hogwarts" Dumbledore starts out the meeting with.

A chorus of nods followed to show agreement to what Dumbledore said.

"Who is this boy anyway and why is he being made to go through this Tournament? He is far too young to be doing anything of this sort" Mrs. Weasley spoke up with worry in her tone.

"He is a Riddle," shocked gasps echoed around the room, "and I am sure that he does not need nor want your pity. In fact, I'm sure that he is getting all the attention he wants right now" Dumbledore mumbled the last part.

"But still, Albus, he is just a boy. He doesn't deserve the amount of stress this tournament puts on a person!" Molly tried.

"He's the son of the Dark Lord, he deserves everything we can throw at them!" Someone from the opposite side of the room said.

"Just because he is the son of he-who-should-not-be-named, doesn't mean people aren't allowed to care for them. I mean, I have never seen Severus look so terrified and worried for a student!" Molly pointed out.

"That's exactly right Molly. Severus has never been that emotional over a student, even his own Slytherins" Dumbledore said calmly, thoughtfully.

"Well, the boy is a Riddle, Snape was probably worried he might get killed if anything would happen to him" Someone else said.

"Maybe he has some sort of connection to the boy" another brought up.

"Yes, I believe you are alright, this boy is obviously important to the Dark, not to mention he has one of the most powerful magical signatures I have felt in a long time" Dumbledore paused, thinking.

"I think would be in all our best interest to try and persuade the boy to join the light. It would definitely be safer than the Dark, that is sure!" The wizard concluded.

"What about Professor Snape?" asked a Ministry official.

"I think we should invite him to the next meeting" Dumbledore said lightly, a dark glint in his eye.


Draco had been sitting at Haydens bedside for about a week now, with no signs of Hayden waking up.

Draco sits there, holding his mates hand, looking at playing with his cool fingers. He can't bare to look at Haydens beautiful face for fear of breaking down again, but at the same time he can bring himself to leave his love.

A knock sounds at the door before opening to reveal Narcissa.

"Draco, darling, come down and have something to eat. You haven't eaten in a week! Everyone is worried about you" She said softly as she comes to sit beside Draco.

"I can't leave him though. What if he wakes up and I'm not here?" Draco responded, not willing to leave Hayden by himself.

"Hayden will be just fine, in fact, i'm sure that he would want you to be taking care of yourself. Come Draco" His mother said as she stood and waited for Draco by the door.

"Alright" Draco whispered.

He leaned down to kiss Haydens hand before getting up and following his mother out of the room. 

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