Part 48

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Draco broke the surface of the lake with a gasp for air, soon being followed by Fluer's sister.

Draco looked around, he had no memory of he got to be in the middle of the Black Lake with a little girl.

He saw the big dock full of people a little bit away from him and that is when he remembered the task. He must've been a part of the task for some reason. Why was in the lake, though, and where is Hayden?

He turned to see the little girl struggling to keep herself above the water, he quickly grabbed a hold of her and began to swim the dock, towing the girl behind him.

When he made it back onto the dock with the little girl, he saw Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Fleur running up the two. Wait, why is Fleur here?

When the four reached the blondes, they were covered in towels and blankets.

"Thank you for saving my little sister!" Fleur said to Draco and then proceeded to hug him.

"Okay..." Draco murmured once Fleur let go and went to tend to her sister. Wait a minute!

"Where is Hayden?" Draco frantically asked.

Theo and Blaise looked at each other while Pansy looked at her shoes.

Oh no, Draco thought before looking back to the lake. He quickly stood up, throwing all the blankets off himself before quickly diving back into the lake to find his mate.


With a successfully cast bubblehead spell, Draco frantically looked all over the bed of the lake where he was sure was the same area where he came up from.

Draco looked everywhere in the area and yet, he still couldn't find Hayden.

He kept swimming hoping to find some trace of him when he heard a dull snapping noise. He swam in that direction to see if it could've been Hayden, he wasn't disappointed.

Hayden was lying unconscious on the sandy bed with grindylows surrounding him. 1 on his left arm and two on his right, 3 on his left leg and two more hanging on one of his wings, all tugging in opposite directions.

All Draco had to do was growl menacingly at them before they hurriedly swam away, leaving Hayden alone. Gently scooping him up in his arms, Draco swam back up to the surface.

When Draco finally got to the surface, he noticed just how pale Hayden was, he was almost gray!

Once he got back to the dock, Severus help Draco get Hayden up onto the wood, his heavy wings were ashy, each feather was a slate-like coal, some broken or cracked.

"Oh gods" Severus murmured, dread coursing through him.

"Draco" he called. Once Draco was back on the dock, he hurried to Severus and Hayden, and once he was close enough, Severus apperated them straight to Riddle Manor not caring about anything or anyone else from the task.


Tom had been sitting in his office going over reports from his followers.

It was an easily boring task to be doing, after a while he had to get up to walk around or else he would just fall asleep.

He walked out of his office and into the hall, aimlessly walking.

Without even realising it, he found himself in Hayden's room.

Leaning against the door jamb, he let his thoughts wander to the past couple of months.

Since finding Hayden, he has been the happiest he has ever been, but at the same time it has also been some of the most stressful times. All he has been doing is making sure that Hayden stays safe and the Order cannot get to him. With the help of Severus, though, the weight on his shoulders has lessened.

His thought wanders. When he finally comes back, he smiles and turns to walk back to his office.

As soon as he turns he hears a loud crack from behind in Hayden's room.

He quickly turns, brandishing his wand as quick as he could before seeing the three people that apperated into Hayden's room, two ebony heads and one blonde.


"TOM" Severus shouted as he laid Hayden on his bed, not seeing that Tom was already standing in the doorway.

"What on earth happened!?" Tom exclaimed as he ran to the bedside.

"Hayden's dying" Severus rushed out as he got his wand out.

Draco backed up until he bumped against the wall, were he slid down it. He didn't know what to or what he could do to help, or even if he could help. He didn't even realize the tears streaming down his face.

"DRACO!" He snapped his head up at the sound of his name.

"I need you to go down to my potions lab and get me some replenishing potions and a couple heating potions. Go! NOW!" Severus yelled, he and Tom already casting many spells to try and save Hayden.

The last thing Draco saw before he left the room was the tip of one Hayden's wings crumble. 

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