Part 59

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The sound of tweeting birds and the soft light of the morning sun filtered through the leaves on the overhanging branches.

Hayden smiled and nuzzled closer into the chest he was using as a pillow. Something was wrong though, he didn't know what but he knew he should probably open his eyes and see what was wrong.

When he opened his eyes he flinched back a little, not fully expecting the sun to be so bright in his eyes.
As he soon as his eyes adjusted, he looked over at Draco, but when he did he was shocked. Four long deep gashes covered Draco's chest barely covered by his shirt, which was shredded.

He reeled back upon seeing this, a small cry of dismay leaving his lips and before he knew it, he put his hands over Draco's chest in order to heal him.

He could believe anyone would have the audacity to even think about hurting his mate in such a way, but when he lifted his hands he noticed something strange. His fingertips were stained the same color as Draco's blood. That's we he seemed to realize, he was the one who had hurt Draco.

Thankfully, Hayden had finished healing Draco before he threw himself as far from Draco as he dared, curling up in front of one of the trees.

By this time Draco had woken up, confused and more than a little concerned by the fact that Hayden wasn't still in his arms.

He sat up to look for Hayden when he noticed that the claw marks on his chest had been healed, leaving four faint scars.

Looking around quickly, Draco spotted Hayden not to far away curled against one of the trees, his big golden wings acting as a shield between him and the rest of the world.

Draco got up and started to make his over to his love to see what he could do to help. As he got closer, he could see that Hayden was silently crying.


The golden wings huddled even closer into themselves at hearing Draco's voice.

"Baby, are you alright?" Draco asked, his concern growing for the boy in front of him.

"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" Hayden muttered from behind his wings, his voice heavy with the weight of his tears.

At first Draco was confused, what did his mate do to be sorry about? Then it hit him, his mate must've remembered almost attacking him last night.

"Oh Hayden" Draco said sadly. He reached out his hand to start gently petting at one of Hayden's wings before gently coaxing the boy out from behind his wings.

After a minute, Hayden finally relented a peeked his head out from underneath his wings, his eyes red as tears trailed down his cheeks.

Draco was able to part the golden wings enough so that he could come in a give Hayden the hug he deserves, but when he did, Hayden flinched backwards. All Draco could do was give his mate a sad smile before gently gathering him in his arms.

"I love you" Hayden finally looked up at Draco at hearing those words being said, almost surprised that they were said at all.

"I do, I love you! So very much so, and I will never stop loving you no matter what may happen!" Draco assured, finally getting the smallest of smiles out of Hayden.

"I love you too" came the ravens quiet reply.

Draco's smile widened, almost impossibly so. They continued to sit there content to be in each others presence.


The two had stayed in the garden for the rest of the morning, finally making their way back inside the manor later that afternoon.

"Did you two enjoy your night under the stars?" a voice called out unexpected, completely catching the two off guard.

Before even checking to see who had started talking, Hayden was already growling, ready to pounce at any sign of danger. Thankfully for the visitor, Draco had had a firm grip of Hayden, keeping him close.

Once he was able to make sure Hayden had calmed down enough, Draco looked up to see who had started talking, a look of annoyance gracing his face as he saw it was his father.

"Yes, in fact, we had a lovely evening last night" Draco said, grinning at his father.

"I'm sure. I trust that there were no problems" Luciaus said, eyes looking over Draco's completely ruined shirt.

"One or two, but nothing we couldn't handle" Draco said, smiling as leaned down to kiss Hayden on the top of his head.

"Now if you'll excuse us, Hayden has had a very eventful couple of days and I think it would be best if he be allowed to sleep a little longer. I'll see you a little later father" Draco smiled at the man before leading Hayden out of the room and up the stairs into Hayden's bedroom, effectively laying him down on his bed.

Once Hayden's head hit his pillow, he seemed to fall asleep almost immediately. Once Draco was satisfied, he left to find a new shirt to wear and then to tell everyone down stairs what had happened in the garden.

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