Part 2

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Severus looked down at the sight before him. He could feel tears beginning to build behind his eyelids as he looked at the broken boy in front of him. He kneeled down next to Harry, took out his wand and cast a diagnostic spell to see what damage was done.

Harry had several broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, his leg was cracked in two different places, he had been malnourished and had cuts and bruises all over his skin. At this point Severus had tears streaming down his face. He felt immense guilt wash over him. This was the boy he had acted so cruel to? The unconscious boy before him was the same one he had bullied for three years before? And all this time, he was being treated this way in his own home!

Severus was mix of emotions. He was angry towards the muggles Harry had to live with and angry at Dumbledore for subjecting the boy to this year after year! Surely he must've known that this was happening! Under al, this anger though, was sadness. He was sad that Harry had to go this, at such a young age and all alone no doubt. Severus had made a decision, he was going to try and help the small boy before him by first healing him of his wounds. Severus gently picked him up and apperated  back to Spinner's End.

Once there, Severus hurries through the house with Harry in his arms, bringing him to one of the spare rooms. Severus lays Harry down and begins the long process of healing Harry's wounds and giving him replenishing potions.


A day later, Harry finally wakes up. He reaches over to the nightstand for his glasses out of habit. Once he has put them on he looks around the room. He notices that this is not his room at all, it looks far too nice to be his. The walls are done in deep forest green with a desk in the far corner of the room and a couple book cases holding an array of different books. The bed his in is a soft one, the most comfortable one he has ever been in (he thinks it might even give the Hogwarts beds a run for their money). The sheets and pillow cases are black but the comforter in top matches the walls with deep green. How did I get here? Harry wondered. Suddenly the door opens and Harry dove back under the blankets, scared about who's house he might be in.

"It's alright, there is no need to be afraid little one. Come on out" Harry heard the oddly familiar voice say. He could've sworn it was Professor Snape, but that was impossible, he hated him! Harry felt the bed dip down as the person sat beside him. "It's alright, I won't hurt you" the person said as the began to pull back to blankets so Harry could see him. Harry was confused, it was Professor Snape! But, why?

"Professor-" Harry began but was cut off when Snape shushed him. Harry looked at him with a confused expression.

"I heard you call out to me through your subconscious, I came to see what was wrong and saw you had been beaten. So I took you here so you can heal" Snape explained.

Harry was a little less confused

"If you don't mind, where is here?" Harry whispered. "I brought you to my house I thought you would rather not go to St. Mungo's" "Thank you, Sir" Harry whispered again, looking down. Not quite knowing what to make of the situation.

Severus quickly got up and exited the room and came back with a tray of food for Harry, knowing the boy must be hungry. Harry looked at the food, grateful yet unsure at the same time. Severus set the tray down in front Harry, who slowly began to eat. For a few moments, Severus watched. "Harry I will be right back, I need to check on something for a moment then I will come back" Snape said as he walked out of the room and into his potions lab where he tended to a potion that was in the process of being made.

Harry ate a little bit of the food that was brought to him, but couldn't eat much. When he was full he set the tray on the nightstand and laid back down onto the bed. He slipped into a calm sleep, before he woke up with a searing pain rushing through his back. He tried not to yell out, but ultimately wasn't able to keep in the cry of pain that escaped his lips.


In the next room Severus heard Harry's scream of pain and came running into the room Harry is in. He saw the boy thrashing around in the bed. He didn't know what to do, he didn't even know what was happening. He ran to Harry to try and help in any way he could, then he notice a subtle change in Harry's smell. He knew that Harry was coming into his inheritance. Severus quickly got Harry onto his stomach just in time as a pair of big beautiful reddish gold wings that seemed as though they were on fire, erupted from Harry's back. Severus stared in shock at what had happened. He stared at the colorful wings before him for a moment before checking in Harry to see if he was alright. Harry was again unconscious, probably from the pain.

It was then that he noticed Harry's smell. It was so vaguely familiar to him. He knew it from somewhere but couldn't place it. Then it hit him. Harry was a Phoenix, just like he was. But they were a rare creature, and not many of them tended to be in this part of the world.

All of a sudden, Severus had thought that he recognized Harry's smell for a moment, from a distant memory of a long time ago. It can't be Severus thought. There's no possible way!... Harry would be the same age though.... And he happens to be a Phoenix, just like me and- he quickly shook the thoughts out of his head before he could get his hopes up...again. Severus would've loved the possibility of finding him, but couldn't bare it if it turned out the boy in front isn't who Severus is thinking he might be. He can't get his hopes up again, just to be crushed in the end

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