Part 63

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The next morning during breakfast, Dumbledore announced that the school would be hosting a Yule ball in a few weeks time around mid-January.
Dumbledore also announced that the Heads of House will be meeting at separate times to go over rules for the dance, such as dress code, edicate, and the teaching of the starting waltz to the ball.
For the rest of the day, the student body seemed to buzz with excitement for the upcoming event. Most talked about who they were going to invite and what they wear.
Hayden was sure he could find a suitable outfit in his wardrobe, so that wasn't to big of a problem, and he safely assumed that since he and Draco were dating, that they would most likely be going together. The only thing that seemed to be bothering him was the fact that he couldn't dance- he never really how to- and he was a bit embarrassed because of it.
He was positive that if he asked, either Draco or his mother, perhaps even both, would be perfectly fine in helping him learn, but that didn't mean it was any easier to ask.
Pretty much all of the students in Slytherin knew how to dance, mainly because of their high standing families, but because Hayden was raised by Muggles practically his whole life and coupled with the fact the he was in Gryffindor, he never had the opportunity to figure it out.
Once classes were done for the day and the students were back in the dorm after dinner did Severus come out to talk with all the Slytherins about the dance.
He didn't really say much, just that the dance is nothing new and that the dress should be formal and elegant. The last thing he said before leaving was that a week from today, after classes, the Slytherin House is to meet in the practice room closest to the dorm so they can learn the specific dance they will be doing to start out the ball.
When the two get back to their dorm, Draco was talking animatedly about the dance, that it will be the first one he goes to without his parent and how excited he is about that!
"Um, Draco?"
At hearing Hayden heistant call, Draco stopped talking.
"I was wondering if, maybe if you had the time, could you possibly teach me to dance?" Hayden mumbled, embarrassed that he had to ask.
"How do you not know how? You were rai-" Oh. Hayden was raised by muggles, of course he wouldn't know how to dance in these types of social events.
"Sure" Draco finally responds with, gaining a small smile from Hayden.
"Thank you, when can we start?"
"As soon as you want, love" Draco said, giving his happy mate a kiss on his forehead.


Hey guys, sorry for such a short chapter. I've been having trouble with actually getting the story I want into words. Hopefully this form of writers block passes because I really like this story!

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