Part 42

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Draco woke up early the next morning ready to prepare to make this the most relaxing and romantic date he can make for his Hayden.

He looked over to the beautiful sleeping boy next to him and almost thought twice about starting this early and leaving him to a morning alone.

Leaning over he gently kissed the boys forehead before slowly getting out of bed, trying not to wake him.

After getting dressed, Draco went over to Haydens side of the room and opened his closet looking to see what exactly he had.

After a couple minutes of putting things together to see if they worked or not, Draco found the perfect outfit to leave out for Hayden.

He folded it as nice as could and laid them out on a chair with and put a note for Hayden telling him to wear it on their date, on his pillow.

Draco took a look at himself in the mirror, fixing his shirt and making his hair perfect.

Deciding he looked fine, he turned back to the boy still sound asleep in their bed.

Walking over, Draco kneeled down beside the bed looking at the calm look Hayden had on his face.

Draco smiled and leaned in to brush his lips ever so slightly against Haydens so as not to wake him.

"I'll see you soon, Love" Draco whispered before slowly getting back up and quietly leaving the room and heading to Hogsmeade.


Hayden slowly woke up, turning around in bed to face where Draco should have been.

"Good morning" Hayden murmured sleepily.

When there was no answer, Hayden opened his eyes to see why.

When he saw the other side of the bed was empty, he was wide awake, panic starting to take hold of him.

Where did Draco go? Is he okay? DId something happen?

All these thoughts and more where going through his head as he looked all around the room before noticing the note that sat on Draco's pillow.

He reached over for the note, unfolded it and began to read:

Dear Hayden

I am sorry for my absence this morning but I need a little time to set up your surprise. I hope that I did not ruin your entire morning by being gone and if I have I promise I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.

If you could be a dear and where the outfit I have meticulously picked out for you today. I have absolutely no doubt that you will look anything less than stunning! I hope to meet you at The Three Broomsticks at 11:00 this morning.

I love you! Have a safe journey to Hogsmeade, I can't wait to see you!



Hayden finished the letter, smiling at how sweet his boyfriend is. He folded the letter back up and set it next to him on the bed before standing and heading over to the bathroom for a shower.

Once Hayden was done he walked over to the outfit that Draco had left out for him.

He put it on, noticing how well it was put together. Of course it is, this is Draco we're talking about.

Smiling at his thoughts, he went to look at his outfit in the mirror.

He was surprised at how comfortable the outfit was. The orange making his look darker than they were, but somehow bright at the same time.

Hayden left the room Slytherin common room excited to see what Draco has planned!

My Slytherin Prince ( Discontinued Version )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora