Part 62

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"Hello there"

A voice called out to Hayden as he was in the library late one evening. Before he could grab the book he was looking for, he had to turn and address the person talking to him. When he did he immediately felt annoyed.

"Cedric" He answered before finishing his task of grabbing the book he needed off the shelf.

"I see that your doing better, that's good!" the Hufflepuff said cheerily, "we were all beginning to wonder if you were ever coming back"

Cedric then walked further down the aisle of books to be closer to Hayden.

"What do you have there?" He asked, obviously not knowing the concept of personal space.

"A book" Hayden replied, just wanting to check it out so he could go back to his common room.

"I know it's a book, silly" Cedric laughed, moving to put his hand on the other boys shoulder. "What book is it?"

Hayden dodged his hand before giving him a response. "Its for one of my classes"

"Which one" Cedric pressed undeterred.

"Why do you need to know? Your in higher grade than me" Hayden pointed out, growing frustrated.

"No need to get upset, I'm just curious" the older boy continued.

"It's Defense Against the Dark Arts. Now if you'll excuse, I need to be getting back to my dorm" Hayden gritted out, glaring at the other boy.

"That's a pretty advanced book for just a DADA assignment. Are you sure-"

"What going on over here" a heavily accented voice cutting Cedric off mid sentence came from behind Hayden.

"Nothing of your concern Krum. Hayden and I are just fine" Cedric responded, suddenly on the defense.

"Are you sure of that? Because the look on Hayden face tells a different story" Viktor responded.

At this rate, Draco was going to come looking for him. What was supposed to be a short run to the library turned out to be an unending encounter.

Hayden looked for a possible way to escape while the two argued but found that the isle was two narrow and that he wouldn't be able to get passed either men without bumping into one of them. Hayden sighed.

"Hayden, why don't we go find somewhere private we can talk and not be disturbed" the Hufflepuff said, glaring at the other boy.

"Why would I go with you?" Hayden asked incredulously, finally coming out of his thoughts at the question directed towards him.

"Because we were discu-"

"If you would like, I would be honored to escort you back to your common room. At least there you might be free from idiots such as this" Viktor responded, effectively cutting off the angered Hufflepuff while extending a hand out to Hayden at the same time.

Of course Hayden would love to leave this situation and get back to Draco, but he didn't necessarily want to Viktors hand.

Hayden looked at Viktor a moment, before hesitantly agreeing with the fact that the only non-harmful way out of the library would be to take his hand.

"Fine. Lead the way" Hayden said reluctantly as he placed his palm within Viktors bigger hand. Gently, he pulled the Slytherin out of the library, the look Viktor sent Cedric just daring him to try and stop him.

He didn't of course.


By the time Hayden was officially out of the library, he took his hand and said his thanks to Ciktor before turning to walk away.

"Wait" the Bulgarian called out after him, "it would be rude of me to leave you here by yourself. Please, the least I can do is escort you back to your common room"

"Fine" the boy muttered, not wanting another argument.

Viktor followed Hayden down to the dungeons and to the portrait leading to his common room.

"Thank you again, for the whole library thing. I appreciate your help with Cedric" Hayden thanked once more, feeling it appropriate to do so.

"It was my pleasure" Victor said before reaching out to gently take one of Haydens in his own.

"If you ever need help, please do not hesitate to find me. Good night" he finished as he kissed Hayden's hand.

Hayden watched him go, muttering a quiet good night that he wasn't sure if he heard or not. The only thing he could seem to do was stand there in shock.


When he walked into his dorm room, he was immediately wrapped in a pair of arms that belonged to his mate.

"What happened? Where were you? I was so worried!" Draco rushed out.

"I was at the library, you knew that. Unfortunately, I ran into a bit of trouble. Nothing that wasn't easily taken care of though" Hayden answered as he hugged Draco back.

"What do you mean trouble? Did someone touch you?" Draco demanded, ready to kill whoever hurt his love.

"I wasn't hurt if that's what your asking, calm down Draco you sound like you want to murder someone!" Hayden said with a chuckle before realizing Draco was completely serious.

"Draco you cannot kill anybody"

"Why not? I would be fully within my rights to protect you!" Draco responded.

"I know but that doesn't mean you should! If you go and do something rash then someone is bound to find you have creature blood and by relation, that I have it as well! I cannot have the entire school knowing that we are creatures! It's bad enough that Granger knows, j would be disastrous if anyone else knew" Hayden explained, muttering at the end as he sat on his bed.

"Granger knows? What do mean, how can she know?" Draco said, following the raven as he sat down next to him.

"Apparently my wings were out when you dragged me from the Black Lake and she saw" Hayden explained.

"And she hasn't used this against you yet?" Draco asked, confused.

"I guess? It might just be a part of her plan to befriend me. I never told her what I was though, and I don't think she'll be able to figure it out either" Hayden responded with a tired sigh.

"We have a class with the Gryffindors again tomorrow, right? I guess we'll see if she keeps up this act, then" Hayden said, finishing the conversation as he dragged Draco down to lie on the bed next to him.

"I'm tired and I'm going to bed now. Good night"

Hayden told Draco as he snuggled into the blonde, not even bothering to change out of his clothes or even climb underneath the covers of the bed.

Draco chuckled quietly to himself at his mates actions as he put an arm around Hayden's waist.

"Alright, but if anything like this happens again tomorrow, come get me right away, alright" Draco said before kissing Hayden's forehead, who nodded in agreement.

"Good night, love"

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