Part 34

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"Where are you taking me, Blaise? You know I can't stand being left in the dark, what's going on?" Draco demanded.

"We're going to the dorms, your boyfriend needs you or else he might explode, literally" Blaise said, remembering the feel of Haydens magic when he stormed in the room.

"What!?" Draco exclaimed, surprised he didn't recognize the feeling of his mate in distress. He sprinted all the way back to the Slytherin dorms.


After rushing through the portrait door, and ignoring the few still in the common room, he ran upstairs to find the door locked, again.

"Hayden? Will you let me in?" Draco tried calmly.

No response.

"Hayde, honey, I need you to let me in" Draco tried again.

Again no response.

"Alright, Hayden, I'm coming in"

With that Draco set about breaking the locks Hayden had set on the door.

It took him a couple minutes to take the wards down but was soon done and was able to open the door.

He turned the knob to open the door, but had to pause at the sight he was given.

Hayden laid asleep on their bed curled around the green blankets in one of Draco's sweaters that looked more like a dress than a sweater.

Draco couldn't help but coo at the sight. Draco walked over to his sleeping boyfriend, making sure that his steps were quiet.

He sat on the edge of the bed and admired the sleeping raven laying beside him. He brought his hand up to his face and brushed his bangs out of the way of his closed eyes and layed a small kiss on his forehead.

"Sleep well, love" Draco whispered before getting up and silently leaving the room to go back to the common room.


Draco walked back into the common room, not bothering to go back to class, especially since it was potions and he was the best in the class.

"What are you doing back out here? He kick you out or something?" Blaise said once Draco reentered the large room.

"I am out here so that I don't disturb my mate"

"Why do you not want to disturb him? Afraid he'll blow up in your face!" Blaise teased.

Draco was not amused.

"If you would like you can go wake him and see just how angry he can get" Draco said in a monotone voice.

"I'd rather not" Blaise responded. "Are you not going to go back to class?"

"It's the last class of the day, I have no reason to go back"

Blaise and Draco spent a few minute more just talking about useless subjects, mainly Blaise teasing Draco about Hayden.

Soon Draco was able to escape his friend and went back to check on his boyfriend.

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