Part 16

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Severus and Tom were waiting for Bellatrix, Narcissa and Lucius to arrive while Hayden and Draco went to the garden.

"What are we going to about Dumbledore? We both know that once he finds out Hayden figured it all out and found us again, he isn't exactly going to stay calm about it" Severus pointed out while watching Hayden and Draco through the window.

"We will do what we can to keep both Hayden and Draco safe. I will not allow for my son to taken from me again" Tom said certainly.

They were silent for a minute, watching Hayden and Draco and enjoying the happy smiles on their faces.

Suddenly the fireplace lit up and three people walked through. "Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucius, thank you for coming" Tom greeted them.

"Of course, my Lord" Bellatrix responded. They were all led to sit on the couch and chairs that surrounded the fireplace.

"Now to get down the business of why I called you here today" Tom started. "As you may or may not know, my son Hayden...was Harry Potter"

Looks of sadness and shock were shown in the faces of three people before the two parents. Before anyone could speak Severus added to the reveal.

"Now that you know who he was, I expect you all to not bring up the fact that you know about his past. Wait until he feels more comfortable around you all before you talk with him about the subject. Now, that being said, we need to discuss how we are going to keep the Order of the Phoenix away from both Hayden and Draco"


"What hobbies do you have?" Hayden asked Draco as they walked about the garden.

"Well, I rather like to draw. Not many people know though, and I would very much like to keep it that way!" Draco said with a slight chuckle towards the end.

"I would love to see something of yours sometime! You'll have to show me!" Hayden said a bit excitedly, " Your turn"

Draco took a moment to think. "What is your favorite season?"

"I think it would be...probably winter" Hayden answered a bit uncertainty. "I think I might like winter the best"

"Why?" Draco asked.

"I don't know, it comforts me I guess, which is weird to say but it's true. I also love to see the land covered in white shimmering snow, especially at night when it seems to just glow a light blue. It's beautiful!" Hayden replied smiling.

"Now, what are you looking forward to most this year at school?"

"I don't know" Draco responded, "I guess the tournament that Hogwarts will be hosting, other than that, just spending time with you" Draco said while slipping his arm around the blushing boy next to him.

"What is your favorite pastime?" Draco asked.

"Probably reading" Draco stopped walking and stared at Hayden.

"Did I say something wrong?" Hayden asked worriedly. Draco had to take a moment to process what Hayden just said.

"No, no, I just...I didn't expect you say that. I've never seen a book in your hands ever!" Draco said while trying to recall all the times he had ever seen Hayden read at Hogwarts.

"Well, the past 3 years, I haven't had much time to myself" Hayden said a little sarcastically. "Now, it's my turn"

"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?"

"I wouldn't want to go anywhere you wouldn't go" Draco said walking up to him and giving the dark haired boy a gentle kiss.

"You! Are such! A romantic!" Hayden giggled when he broke away from the kiss.

"Why wouldn't I be? I love you" Draco smiled, leading Hayden to a nearby bench and sitting him down.

Once Hayden was on the bench, Draco kissed Hayden again, slow and gentle. He poured all of his love into it for Hayden. Hayden smiled into the kiss, absolutely happy.

"I love you too" Hayden whispered against Draco's lips.

Hayden gave Draco one more peck before laying his head on the blondes lap.

"So, tell me. What is this plan of yours?"

"Well, " started Hayden thoughtfully. "I think we need stage something in order to trick Dumbledore into thinking Harry Potter has been killed. I'm still trying to figure out how we would come to do that, though I am sure that that would do the trick"

"Brilliant" Draco said proudly, and he was! Draco was proud of his mate! He knew that was extremely lucky to be able to have someone like Hayden Riddle. 

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