Part 15

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"Hayden, come down stairs for breakfast. Your father and I have something we need to discuss with you" Severus spoke through the door.

"I guess it is time for us to get up, isn't it?" Hayden said, not wanting move way from Draco. "I guess it is. Are you going to get up?" Draco asked with a chuckle.

"Do I have to?" Hayden whined playfully.

"Only if you want to be late to breakfast. Your parents wanted to talk with you, correct?" Draco said with a laugh. Hayden only pouted.

"Oh, come on. We need to get up and go down stairs" Draco said, quickly kissing Hayden and making his way off the bed, half dragging Hayden with him.

They laughed as they almost crashed to the floor.

Once they got dressed into a fresh pair of clothes, they made their way to breakfast.


"Good morning Hayden, Draco" Tom greeted them. "Good morning" the two boys said, while sitting at the table.

"Hayden, are you alright? You look as though you have been crying?" Severus asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm alright now" Hayden said, smiling at Draco after as he felt Draco snake an arm around his waist.

Leading him the the table, Draco and Hayden sat down.

"Hayden" his father began, "As you know, school will be starting again in a little over a week. I am guessing that you would like to go as yourself this year?" Tom asked, guessing that Hayden told Draco who he was last night.

"Yes father, that is correct. I do not want to go back as Harry Potter, I never want to be him again" Hayden said with confidence.

"And you never have to" Severus said with a proud smile. He continued. "This now brings us to how we plan on dealing with Potter, seeing as he is no more"

"I might have an idea" Hayden said, while giving a devilish smirk to Draco then looked at his father. "But I might need some time to put everything together"

"Well then, I can't wait to see what you have come up with" Tom smirked back.


Later that afternoon, Draco and Hayden were walking through the garden.

"So, do you want to play a game?" Hayden asked. "Sure. What do you have in mind?" Draco asked.

"How about....21 questions?" he suggested. "What's that?" Draco questioned.

"It's a muggle game. It's basically just a game that is supposed to help you get to know one another" Hayden explained.

"Sure" Draco said.

"Good, I'll start"


Hey guys, so, I've kinda run out of idea for this part in the story. If you have any ideas for what you think Hayden's plan might be, please, go ahead and share with me!

Also if you have any questions you think would be fun for either Draco or Hayden to ask, please tell me and I try to work them in!

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