Part 5

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"Severus. What brings you into my household. Last I remembered, you wanted nothing to do with me" the brown haired man said. Severus almost wanted to just leave and keep Hayden to himself if this was how Tom was going to act, but he thought of his son first and how he would want to at least meet his dad.

"I have found our son" Severus simply said. Tom froze for a moment, trying to decipher if what the man before was telling the truth or not. "Are you sure? Where is he?" Tom said, jumping up from where he was seated and running to the other man. "I am telling the truth, and he is staying with me" Severus replied. Tom was so happy that he started to tear up, without even thinking, he scooped the black haired man in tight hug.

Once over his initial shock, Severus lightly returned the embrace. "Where has he been? When can I meet him?" Tom almost whispered, tears now streaming down his face. He let go of Severus, looked him in the eyes, and waited for an answer.

"He has been going to Hogwarts and is going into his fourth year there. He had a glamor spell put on him and many others of the like. You know him well in fact" Severus gently said. Tom gave him a very confused look. He would think that he would know whether or not he did in fact know his son. He urged Severus to go on. But was not expecting what was going to be said next.

"He was Harry Potter"

Tom was shocked. His son was Harry Potter? The same boy he had been trying to kill for years? He took a step backwards, finding his chair again and sitting down. How? He asked himself. Soon he was crying again, but this time it was from sadness and guilt and not happiness.

Severus carefully walked back over to the man he loved and gave him a gentle hug. Tom latched onto Severus and cried into his shoulder, regretting all that he done to try and get rid of the he thought was his 'enemy' for the past couple years. Once he had calmed down, Severus had continued to keep ahold of the man in his arms. And Tom was grateful.

"Does he know I am his father?" Tom hesitantly asked. "Yes" Severus quietly said.

"I can ask if he wants to meet you tomorrow." the black haired man said. Tom looked back up at him and smile. "Thank you" he said and reached up to give Severus a kiss.


The next morning, Hayden went down to breakfast and was greeted by his mother. "Hayden?" Severus asked when breakfast was almost done. "Yes" Hayden looked toward Severus.

"How would you feel about meeting your father today?" Hayden was surprised. He had wanted to go meet him, but technical he already had, and he was nervous. Voldemort was his father. "Does he want to see me?" Hayden asked, uncertain.

Severus smiled and put his on top his sons in a comforting gesture. "Of course he wants to meet you!" Hayden thought for a moment before making his decision. "Alright" Hayden says, smiling happily.

"Alright, go upstairs then and get changed into something nice and we will floo over" Hayden quickly finished his breakfast than ran up to his room to get changed.

He immediately went over to his closet and started rifling around it, until he found the perfect dress to wear.

Once he had put it on, he went to go meet Severus downstair so they could floo to Riddle Manor

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Once he had put it on, he went to go meet Severus downstair so they could floo to Riddle Manor.

"Are you ready to go?" Severus asked. Hayden was a little nervous to see his father, especially since they have been trying to kill each for the past three or so years. Hopefully they can put all that in past and focus on the future and being a family.

"I'm ready" Hayden said, and they flooed to Riddle Manor.


Tom was anxious. He desperately wanted to see his son and get to know him, but at the same time, he feared that Hayden wouldn't want anything to do with him because of who he was.

He was pacing in his study when there was a knock at the door. That must be them. "Come in" he called through the door. Severus came in first while Hayden stayed on the other side of the door. "Are you okay, you look worried?" Severus said while giving him a hug. "Of course I'm worried! Now send him in before I have second thoughts and tell you both to leave!" Tom said impatiently.

Severus quietly giggled to himself. "Calm down, I'll send him in" Severus gave Tom a quick peck on the cheek before turning to the door. He opened it, revealing Hayden. Severus guided a nervous Hayden until both he and Tom were standing in front of each other.

"Hello" Hayden said cautiously after a minute of silence, but as soon as the word left his mouth, he was engulfed into a bone crushing hug by his father. "Father?" Hayden asked. "I'm so sorry, my child! I will make sure you are never put in harm's way again! Can you ever forgive me Hayden?" By this time, Tom had tears flowing down his cheeks and pretty soon Hayden has couple tears as wells. "Of course I forgive, father! I love you." Hayden cried as Tom hugged him tighter. Severus came up behind Hayden and joined in on the hug as well, squeezing Hayden in the middle. They all ended up sinking down to the floor, where the hug lasted much longer.


"Would it be okay if I moved in here?" Harry wondered as all three of them were having lunch. "I don't see why not, Severus?" "Yes, you can move in here" Severus said. Hayden gave a happy smile.

"Would you be here too, Mother?" Harry asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Come on Sev, move back in, and we can all be a happy family again" Tom said in hopes to persuade the potion master into coming back to Riddle Manor.

Severus looked at the pleading look in his son, "Why not" he said, smiling at the other two men in the room.


"So, Hayden, your going into your fourth year. Am I correct?" Tom asked as he was helping Hayden put all his things away in his new room.

"Yes, I'm going to be a fourth year" Hayden replied, not sounding to enthusiastic about it. "Are you not excited?" Tom inquired. "Not really, there not really anything for me to look forward to anymore" Hayden replied rather dulley.

Tom was confused. "Do you not have friends you are looking forward to seeing again?" He asked skeptically. "Well, I do, but I'm not sure I would consider them friends anymore"

Tom was a bit upset with that answer. "Why not? Did they do something to you?" "I mean, not really. They've just, been kinda, ignoring me a lot lately. They've seemed to distance themselves from me the past year or so and they haven't written me to at all during the summer. I'm just not sure they still want to be friends with me is all. It's not like I blame them or anything, I have indirectly put them in a lot of danger" Hayden replied with.

"I don't need them anyway. There was always something off about them, I don't think they cared for me at all" Hayden said. "Well, I think it's time you make some new friends" Tom said looking to Hayden. "I think your right" Hayden smiled.

"How about I introduce you to someone I think you will get great with?" "I would like that very much, Father! Thank you!" Hayden smiled as he went to give him a great big hug.

"How would you like it if I introduced you to my death eaters also, I'm sure they would all love to meet you?" Tom asked his son. "I think that would be nice!"

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