Part 44

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Hayden walked into the quaint little restaurant noticing that there weren't all that many people there at the moment.

While still standing near the entrance, Hayden scanned the small area for Draco. Looking for a head of blonde hair to help in his small search, but he didn't find one.

Draco wasn't there.

Trying to push down his disappointment, he then tried to see if anyone in the pub was a familiar face. Luckily he wasn't the only Slytherin there.

Hayden weaved his way through the few tables that were in his way, making his way over to the booth in the back of the pub where Blaise was.

"Blaise" Hayden said, getting Blaise's attention as he sat down across from him.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting here for what seems like ages!" Blaise replied dramatically. He grabbed something beside him and handed it to Hayden.

Hayden took it as it was a letter. He opened it and saw it was from Draco:

Hello Love,

I am sorry for not meeting you here like I said I would, but I hope that it will all be worth it in the end. I have a surprise for you, one I hope you will bring you as much joy as it thought of it brings to me! But first, you need to find me! To start you off, I will give you a clue:

Nothing compares to how sweet and delicious you are, but I have to say, this place comes to a close second!

Can't wait to see you, Darling


Hayden looked up from reading the letter to Blaise still sitting there.

"And what part do you have in all this?" Hayden asked suspiciously.

"I'm only here to deliver the letter and to make sure that you eat breakfast since undoubtedly did not eat before leaving Hogwarts" the Italian said right before their breakfast was brought to them to eat.


When the two were done, Hayden went to make his way outside to try and figure out where Draco wanted him to go.

Blaise soon caught up with him, claiming that the gentlemanly thing to do would be to walk him to wherever he was going next, so Hayden let Blaise tag along.

Hayden wandered around the small village before coming across Honeydukes.

Of course! Hayden thought with a smile before making his way into the candy store.

Hayden had always liked Hogsmede, Honeydukes included. The entire place just seemed to always have such an inviting and friendly atmosphere that he could enjoy being in.

He wandered the store for a couple minutes, wondering what to do next. He was sure that this was the place and yet there was nothing there to confirm his thoughts.

He turned to ask Blaise for help, but when he did, he found that Blaise wasn't behind him.

No, instead he was surprised to Luna waiting behind him.

"Oh, h-hi Luna" Hayden greeted nervously. Honestly, he felt a little bad. He had seen Luna around the halls and in a few of his classes, but he hadn't made the attempt to talk to her at all yet this year.

"Hello, Harry" She said in her light and airy tone of voice.

"W-what! H-how..." Hayden stuttered, completely baffled at how Luna could've known he once Harry Potter. No one else knew right?

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