Part 11

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"So your our sons mate" Tom said, more as a statement than a question. "Yes, sir" Draco said, trying to sound confident, but ended up not. Draco has to really make sure here that he doesn't mess up, not only because this is Hayden's father, but also the Dark Lord!

Severus remained quietly staring at the boy from where he was seated in the corner of the room. Silence followed the question. After a couple minutes, Tom spoke again.

"Do you love him?" "Yes, sir, I do, I love him" Draco told them with absolute certainty.

"Has he told you yet who he was before he was found?" Severus finally said. Draco was confused for a minute, Hayden hadn't told him anything about his past. Draco shook his head before responding. "No, not yet anyway" Draco said with a hint of nervousness creeping in.

Was Hayden a bad person before he was found? Did Draco know him? Before he could think any further on the subject another question was asked.

"Will you continue to love him and help him, when he does share his past with you?" Severus again asked. Draco nodded, "Yes, I promise" he said, with every intention of keeping this promise.

Suddenly Draco was almost knocked over from the force of the hug Severus unexpectedly gave him. Draco didn't even see him move he was so fast. As he hesitantly hugged back, Tom walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I give you my blessing, Draco. Don't mess this up" Draco smiled. "Yes sir". Severus pulled back from Draco and looked him in the eyes, "Take care of my son" he said with a bone chilling seriousness. "I will" the blonde said, nodding.


Hayden sat patiently on his bed, waiting for his mate to join him. He had changed into a pair of shorts and random t-shirt, deciding he might as well be comfortable while waiting for Draco.

After about 10 minutes on the stairs waiting, and 20 in his room, he was starting to get just a little bit worried about what his parents might be doing to Draco.

He rationally battled it out in his though, deciding that Draco is just fine and that, because Draco was his mate, he couldn't be scared off that easily. He just hoped that everything is going okay, and they hadn't gotten into any arguments or anything.

After another 10 or so minutes, Hayden found himself started to doze off. He tried to fight it so he would be awake for when Draco comes, but he was starting to lose the battle.

Right before he drifted into a light sleep, he heard the door open. He jerked his head up, slightly waking up when his eyes met with silver ones.

"How did it go?" Hayden murmured sleepily. Draco sat next to the nearly asleep boy and pulled him into his arms. "It went wonderfully" Draco smiled, kissing the others forehead. Hayden hummed contentedly.

"Go to sleep, love. We will talk more when it is morning" Draco told him while laying down next to the raven and pulling him close, not even bothering to change out of his clothes.

Hayden snuggled into Draco and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

Draco didn't even know how he could've gotten so lucky to have this perfect angel in his arms. He kissed him once more before joining his love in a peaceful slumber. 

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