Part 61

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Hayden and Draco returned to their dorm room after the welcome back feast at Hogwarts.

While they didn't miss the things happening at the school, they missed their room.

As soon as the door closed, Hayden flipped himself onto the bed, uncaring that the one his trunk was placed by was on the other side of the room, and chose to snuggle into the pillow on Draco's bed.

"Are you comfortable?" Draco quietly laughed as he watched his mate being absolutely adorable!

"Yeah" Hayden answered, "but it would be even nicer if you were here too!" The boy smiled.

Draco smiled back as he took his robe and shoes off, laying down next to the raven haired boy and pulling him close.


The next morning, the two made their way to McGonagall's class for Transfiguration.

When McGonagall arrived, she announced that the class was going to be doing partner work and that she was going to pick who worked with who.

Hayden and Draco hoped that McGonagall would have mercy on them and put them together, but it wasn't a very likely wish.

They looked at the professor as she started to call out partners, only listening for their names.

"Draco and Neville" she called.

Draco sighed under his breath, Hayden giving him a sympathetic smile.

"Hayden Riddle and Hermione Granger"

Hayden suppressed a groan as Draco gave him the same sympathetic smile he gave Draco.

Rolling his eyes at Draco, Hayden reluctantly picked up his stuff and made his way to the Gryffindor side of the room where Hermione sat.

Once everyone was seated with their partners, McGonagall started giving out instructions on what they were doing.

"I heard that you gotten hurt during the last task. How are you doing?" Hermione asked. Hayden just looked at her, not knowing where that sentence had come from.

"Fine I guess, why?" Hayden asked, curious as to why she would care.

"We were all just so worried you know. You missed the last couple weeks of school and nobody knew where you were or what exactly had happened" Hermione explained.

"Oh" was all he said before turning back to the teacher who was handing out different objects to each pair of partners.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I am really curious. What type of creature are you?" Hermione asked as they got started on their assignment.

Hayden almost dropped his wand as he whipped around to stare at the bushy haired girl next to him. How in the world did she figure out he was a creature?

Hermione picked up on the shock in his expression and elaborated on her precious statement.

"When Draco pulled you out of the water during the last task. You had wings, and people usually don't have wings unless they have some sort of creature blood in them. You don't have to answer if you aren't comfortable with telling me, I understand. I'm just curious. Your wings were as black as coal when you dragged onto the platform" the girl explained.

Hayden continued to stare for a minute longer before slowly opening his mouth to reply, "um, does everyone know then?" he asked quietly.

"I don't think so. Snape whisked you away pretty fast" she said before pausing to think, "I think only those who were close to the platform might've seen" she finally answered.

"Oh" Hayden asked before trying to focus on the assignment again. He failed as he asked another question.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" Hayden asked. Depending on her answer, this newfound attitude might play into his plan quite nicely!

"Well, I guess maybe its because I've never seen the Slytherin House so worried about 1 person before? You've impacted a lot of people, and I guess I just want to get to know you for you and not just focus on the fact that you're a Slytherin" Hermione answered.

Hayden gave her a smile and thanked her. There was something off about her answer, he was sure that she wasn't doing this because she wanted too. He guesses he'll just have to wait and see. But he knows that he'll be able to use this to his advantage for sure when the time comes!


After classes were all done that day, he told Draco about Hermione. The blonde of course didn't like that the Gryffindor girl was trying to get into his mates good graces, but he does agree that that this will be good for their plan and that it gives them the opening that they will need if they are going to infiltrate the Order.

"I guess now that you mention it, the Gryffindors have been a bit nicer since this semester started" Draco observed.

"If I didn't know better, I would think that Dumbledore is planning something and the Gryffindors are just following what he tells them to like sheep" Hayden deducted.

"Very annoying sheep at that" Draco agreed. 

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