Part 26

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 After a week had passed, it was finally time to see who the lucky students to be entered into the Tournament would be.

Draco and Hayden entered the room where the cup was being held. As Hayden sat next to Draco, he began to feel nervous, like something was about to happen, but he had no idea what!

The little room got crowded fast as more and more people showed, the only light in the room was blue from the magical cup.

"Hayden? Love, are you alright?" Draco asked worriedly, picking up on Hayden's nervousness.

"I don't know. I feel like something bad is about to happen." Hayden quietly said back.

Just then, the little hall quieted and Dumbledore began to speak. Hayden didn't really pay attention. He laid his head on Draco's shoulder, trying to calm down a little. He knew here was nothing to be nervous about, so why did he feel this way?

After a minute, Hayden was finally able to calm down, then something caught his attention. The cup in the center of the room had turned red, It must be time. He paid a little more attention to what was going on, wanting to hear the names of the lucky three.

"The Durmstrang Champion is, Viktor Krum!" The rest of the hall applauded, Draco seemed pleased at this.

"What are you smirking at?" Hayden asked, already knowing the reason why.

"If that boy is too busy dealing with not dying, then he won't have any time to try and steal you from me" Draco said, giving Hayden a small kiss.

"You still might have to watch out though, there is plenty of time between the challenges, better keep me close. Don't want him coming after me do we!" Hayden smiled, giving him a kiss back.

The cup turned red again and their attention was drawn to it, listening for the next name to be called.

"The Champion for Beauxbatons, is Fleur Delacroix"

"She doesn't look to dangerous" Hayden said.

"She may not look it, but she is. She's the Veela I was telling you to stay away from"

"You'll have no problem there, I've already found my perfect Veela!" Hayden said proudly.

Again the cup turned red, ready to give the last name. By this point Hayden was successfully distracted from his nerves.

"The Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory!"

"That Hufflepuff!?" Hayden said in surprise.

"I bet you he doesn't last the first round" Draco laughed, making Hayden laugh as well.

"Excellent we know have our three Champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will host this Chalice of Champions, this Vessel of Victory, The Triwizard Cup!"

The Hall burst into excited applause.

Suddenly, the goblet started to act up, shooting flames everywhere. It glowed red again! Weren't there only supposed to be three Champions?

A name flew out of the cup and landed into the Headmaster's hands. He mumbled the mane to himself before saying it louder.

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