Chapter Twelve

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Taehyung watched Haneul pull out his toys from the closet before closing his door to where it was ajar and walking into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter and pulled his phone out before going to his call log. He didn't want to call him back but he also didn't want Jungkook to take him to court.

He tapped the 'unknown' call and brought the phone up to his ear. It rang five times before Jungkook answered.


"What do you want?" Taehyung kept his voice low so Haneul wouldn't hear him and decide to be nosy.

"I don't want to fight." Jungkook said, "I want to have a civilized conversation with you, so lose the attitude."

Taehyung scoffed, "I don't have an attitude, it's just the way I talk to people who I don't want to talk to. Get to the point."

He heard Jungkook sigh, "you have all the right to be mad at me and give me the cold shoulder and just plain up ignore me but you don't have the right to not let me be in my child's life."

"Why?" Taehyung said, his voice rising just a bit, "why do you want to he his life? Just because you saw him for two days doesn't mean anything! You wouldn't even think twice about us if you didn't see him! You would of continued living your fucking life and I would've continued living mine. It doesn't make sense, why do you care now? Why not five years ago?"

"I was too young five years ago!"

"So was I!" Taehyung's voice cracked as it rose again, "I'm younger than you! What are you even talking about? Is this all about you now? I still had three years of school to do and then two years of fucking residency. I had to carry him for nine damn months and still study for exams."

"Taehyung this isn't about you either."

"Actually Jungkook it is. If you want to see Haneul then it starts with me giving consent. So technically it is about me." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't want you calling me anymore, it doesn't make sense that you want to see him now after five years of not giving damn about us. I'm fine, he's fine, we're fine and he sure as hell doesn't need you."

"Taehyung I swear to God if you hang up I'll take you to court."


"Because he's my son too."

"But you didn't care. You didn't care when you walked out on us, you didn't care throughout those five years and then he shows up in your class and suddenly you start caring. Why?"

There was a long pause before Taehyung saw black hair appear in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Mommy, why are you yelling?" Haneul asked.

"Just go back to your room, Haneul, mommy's doing something." Taehyung sighed. Haneul nodded and quickly waddled back to his room.

"Let me talk to him."

"No. He only knows you as his old teacher anyway."

"Well explain to him, you can't let Haneul grow up without knowing who I am. How do you think he'd feel knowing that he had a chance to see his other parent but you wouldn't let him, you decided for him and didn't let him have a choice."

"He's only five, he can't make these types of decisions yet."

"Do you seriously want to go through all the trouble of going to court and having a judge decide who should get visitation rights or so custody." Jungkook sighed, "because I don't."

"You said you wanted to have a civilized conversation but you're threatening to take me to court." Taehyung snapped, "I don't understand why you're all of sudden caring now, please explain to me why you want to keep messing with our lives, why you can't just go back to living like you use to."

"When I left I thought about going back a bunch of times but my pride and ego always got in the way and my parents convinced me that you cheated and that he isn't my kid so I don't know...I don't know why I believed them. Then met someone else and I kinda..." He paused, "moved on and just left the both of you in the past. But when I saw you and Haneul I knew I fucked up and this is my way of fixing the mistake."

Taehyung felt a pang to his heart at Jungkook's words. He couldn't even move on yet Jungkook was able to leave him and their unborn child and moved on almost immediately.

Did Jungkook even love Taehyung when they were together. How can someone do that to a person they're suppose love? They had even planned their future together, of course it didn't involve Haneul at the time but they could of made it work.

Taehyung felt his eyes heat up and he just pulled the phone away from his ear and tapped 'end call'. He sat down on a stool and rested his elbows on the counter before putting his face in his hands. He ignored Jungkook's calls as tears kept pouring out of his eyes, he tried to stay quiet so he wouldn't alarm his five year old.

But Haneul walked in anyway.

"Mommy, i want mac—" he gasped, "what's the matter?!"

Taehyung took a shaky breath before turning his phone completely off, "n-nothing, baby, nothings wrong."

"But you're crying." Haneul said as he walked towards the blonde and held his arm up to be picked up. Taehyung complied and sat him down on his lap and the five year old turn out. He pressed his small, chubby hands against his mommy's face and wiped away the tears.

"It's okay, I'll beat them up for you and make them cry." Haneul smiled, "and make them say sorry."

Taehyung gave him a small smile, "no, I'll he fine."

"Want a kiss to make you feel better?" Haneul puckered his lips.

"You're too much." Taehyung mumbled while laughing. He pecked Haneul's lips.

He thought for a second, "hey Hannie, you know how other kids have two parents? A mommy and a daddy or a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and daddy?"

He nodded, "like Kiwon. Kiwon has two dad's, Seokie and Wonnie."

"Yes, like them. Do you want two parents?"

Haneul rubbed his chin in thought before shaking his head, "no, I already have you and Hobi is also like another dad so I don't need two parents when i have you and Hobi and Mawmaw and Gramps."

Taehyung smiled, "but you do know Hobi isn't your dad?"

"Yes but I don't want another dad because I only love you and Hobi and Mawmaw and Gramps and I don't think I have enough love to give to someone else right now 'cause I'm only one person." He sighed and hugged Taehyung, "but I love you the most but don't tell the others because i also told them i loved them the most, but I actually love you the most even if you don't buy me ice cream."


Word Count: 1206

"I love you the most even if you don't buy me ice cream" pff

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