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Sun's up! They now need to get up and get back on their normal lives... Suddenly, Lisa heard Jennie's phone rang. 

It's the CEO!

Lisa : Jennie, jennie wake up wake up! Sajangnim's calling you.

Jennie : Ugh i am so sleepy... (quickly grabbed the phone from her head board)

             Anyeong! This is Jennie. 

CEO : I know. Meet me in 30mins at my office. Come alone. 

Jennie was left surprised with the coldness on the voice of the CEO. She suddenly got scared a bit... They are still on vacation.. why would her attention be called by Sajangnim?

Jennie : Lisayah... I have to go. I have meeting with the CEO in 30mins. 

Lisa : What? Why? I thought we're still on vacation? Is there a problem? 

Jennie : I don't know... I have no idea... 

Lisa : I'll come with you. 

Jennie : NO! 

Lisa was shocked with Jennie's refusal.

Jennie: I mean... No... you don't have to... just rest here... we'll talk when I come back. 

Lisa couldnt help but worry... she knows something's up... the sudden change in Jennie's aura... there's definitely a problem. 

Lisa : Okay.. I'll wait for you. 

Jennie kissed Lisa goodbye and immediately left the dorm to meet with the CEO at the YG Building. 

Jennie's POV

I can't believe this. I just had the happiest day of my life with Lisa and now I am being summoned. Will I be punished for staying the night in her room? Ofcourse he knows everything! But... what if he doesn't? what if this is just another assignment?  Ugh... I don't know what to think! I can't process my thoughts clearly. All I can think about is Lisa! Lisa! Lisa! Gosh Jendukie! Keep your focus!

Jennie arrived  at the YG Building... she headed straight to Sajangnim's office. 

"Knock! Knock!"

"Come in"

Jennie : CEO, I hope I'm not late. 

CEO : I was early by a minute. Sit down. 

Jennie : May I know why you asked me to be here? Did I do something wrong?

CEO : About that... I wanna ask you first how you handled the rumor with Kai?

Jennie : Oh that... Honestly, I am more worried for Lisa. She went missing yesterday and luckily she went back at the dorm by the evening all wet and dirty. She forgot to bring her wallet so she had to walk back and forth.

CEO : How is she now? 

Jennie : She's fine.... I hope... (clears throat) I guess... 

CEO : You want to tell me something?

Jennie : Uhm, no sir. nothing sir. everything's going according to plan. 

CEO : That's good to know. I'm happy to know that you are keeping your focus. You cannot deviate from your contract. You are THE YG PRINCESS. There's so much at stake here. You cannot be in a relationship. That's a distraction. All the more reason for you not to be engaged with Lisa. I know you've been pretty attached with each other. And i know our Maknae since she was 14. I picked her, remember? So you have to end whatever this is that you have with her. I thought bringing Kai in the picture will help but you really had to spend the night with Lisa without my permission. 

You know, I am expecting so much from you. You've been here the longest. You have mastered the rules of this company. I will let this one slide Jennie. But you better clean up your act. 

Jennie : Sajangnim... I... uhm... I... 

Jenie was too scared to even reason out to Sajangnim... she was shaking... she knows she's guilty.

CEO : Did I make myself clear Jennie? 

Jennie : Yes sir. 

CEO : Okay. You can leave now. Make sure to spend the New Year with Kai. Okay? 

Jennie : Will do Sir. 

Jennie felt heartbroken as she leaves the building... she didn't know where to go... She knows Lisa's waiting for her at their dorm... 

Jennie's POV

What will I do now???!!!! I admit I liked Kai and flirted with him a little in trying to make Lisa jealous but I don't have any plans with him. Aiiiissshhhh Jendukie!!! Why do you keep messing things up?!?!??!  Should I head straight home? or go back at the dorm? But Lisa's waiting for me... besides... I'm hungry!!!! who'll cook for my girls??? They must be all awake by now. 

Okay okay... just stay calm.. you can make a story up... you can just lie about the purpose of this meeting. Alright! You can do this!!!

@ the Dorm

Jisoo went to Lisa's room...

"Knock! Knock!" 

Jisoo : Lisayahhhh. I'm hungry! Can you guys cook chicken?

Lisa : Hi unnie... good morning! I'm hungry too but I am still waiting for Jennie...

Jisoo : Why? Where did she go?

Lisa : She got a call from Sajangnim so early and was told to report to him immediately. I told her I'll come with her but she refused. 

Jisoo : Uwuuuuu... that's strange. Why would she be summoned ALONE? and why would she be requested while on vacation?

Lisa : I know unnie... that's why I'm worried. 

Jisoo : And I'm really hungry... I gotta wake Chaeng up... so we could all prepare breakfast... I'm sure Jennie's hadnt had any. 

Lisa : Good idea Jisoo unnie. I'll help. 

Jisoo wake Chaeng up and the three girls went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. They decided to cook pancakes just like how they did it back at the Blackpink House. 


Lisa : Oh it's you!!! 


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