#86 Girl Detectives

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Jennie was furious not seeing Lisa the whole day. Chaeng and Jisoo could not help but wonder too. Lisa has not  been picking any of their calls nor return their text messages. The girls are worried and decided on one thing...

Jennie : Guys, is it wrong if we check on Lisa's things to see what's going on with her lately?

Jisoo : But---- She will get mad. For sure. 

Chaeng : Unnie... I think it's best if we wait for her. Or you can call her mom. 

Jisoo : Right!!! Call her mum, Jendeuk. Maybe she knows where Lisa is.. 

Jennie : No. Omma knows everything that's been going on but she's not telling me either. Aren't you guys wondering? She's been here for more than a week now. She hasn't returned to Bangkok. Usually, she stays her for 3 days... 5 days tops! but why is she staying for more than a week now? 

Jisoo : Well... if Lisa's mum is aware,  then you should not worry about her. 

Jennie : Let's go check her things! I need to find something!

Chaeng : What is it that we will be looking for?

Jennie : I don't know yet. 

The three girls checked all Lisa's things but weren't able to find any until ---


Chaeng : What did you get???

Jennie : Bank statement. 

Jisoo : What???

Jennie : It shows here that Lisa has a remaining $10,000 savings and had withdrawn almost everything this past week!

Jisoo : What???/ Where could she be using it???

Chaeng : Everything as in everything???

Jennie : Yes. She's broke. Check the drawers!

Jisoo : What now???

Chaeng : I --- ugh----  I couldn't see her Rolex! 

Jennie : And she has three rolex watches. 

Jisoo : Could she sold it????

Jennie : That is impossible.. why would she??

Chaeng : Unnie.... even her designer bags... look at the closet! She barely have something in here!

Jennie : What's going on Lisaya.... What is it that you're not telling me.... 

Jisoo : I'll try calling her again. 

Jennie : Enough of that. Girls, get ready. We're heading out. 

Chaeng : Where are we going unnie???

Jennie : I'm gonna ask her mum. Let's go!

Jisoo : wow... this is exciting. It's like a bond movie. Wait --- who's James Bond???

Chaeng : Stop it, Kim Jisoo. This is serious. 

Jennie : Where are you Hun... what are you up to... 

Just  when the girls are about to reach Lisa's Mum's house, they  got a call from their managers to report to YG immediately for a Family Meeting. 

"Damn it! We have to go back!"

"We're so close to finding out the truth and yet here we are. "

''Call Lisa. She might not be aware of  the meeting yet. "

When they all entered the YG Conference Room, the three were surprised to see Lisa sitting on the assigned chairs for them. 

Lisa : Hun, where have you been? Sorry I was out of range earlier but I'm here now. 

Jennie : You got a lot of explaining to do, Lisayah. 

Jisoo : What's happening? 

Chaeng : Are we late???


CEO : As you all know, YG will be undergoing another transition period and it will start on Friday so I  ask each and everyone of you to be here, standing with the management for the arrival of the new CEO of this company. I believe you are all aware who will it  be  turned over too. 

           On Friday, we will be welcoming people from Louis Vuitton Paris and greet them and show them our hospitality. They will be your new bosses by the time they sign the documents. As much as it  hurts us all, but all the members of the board had conceded with Louis Vuitton. 

          Yes, YG is facing a major financial crisis right now but we will not stop producing music for all of you. Your contracts will remain intact but is subject to change depending on the terms of the new management. Rest assured there will be no termination of contracts the coming days but be ready for some modification. 

Mr. Kim was there... listening intently with what the CEO has said... but he couldn't get off of his mind what Lisa has told her. But he knows she's right. YG is about to go  down... business wise, he won't be gaining anything from the company for the coming months because of another transition so it's  best if he sells his shares.... but what about his daughter? He knows this is her daughters dream.... And waiving his rights to ownership for Jennie would make her the happiest child in the world. She get to manage her own dreams and be her own boss. Who wouldn't want that? He keeps telling himself. But there is too much at risk. He is still waiting for something... He doesn't know what he's waiting for but he knows, what has been presented to him is still not enough. 


"We need to meet."

"I'm on my way."

"Be there in 15 mins."

''Bring all the documents."

"Just a few more time, this will all be over."

"Hang in there."


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