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Lisa and Jennie head to the kitchen and waited for the other members for dinner. Usually, Lisa orders and pays for their food, but this time, Lisa couldn't afford to be extravagant because of the deal she just made with Kim and her members have no clue or any idea about this.

Lisa: Jagiya, I realized I forgot my wallet at mum's... Can you pay for our dinner tonight?

Jennie : Not a big deal baby... should we head there tomorrow to get it before work or we can go out tonight if you want...

Lisa : No need, Hun. I'll probably just call mum. Don't worry.

Jennie : Oh, okay babe... What do you want me to order?

Lisa : Just the usual baby...

Jennie : Oh okay. I'll take care of it.

Lisa : Alright Hun... I'll just check on Jisoo unnie and see if Chaeng is already in her room.

After several attempts, neither Jisoo or Chaeng responded. Jisoo head out as well...

Lisa : Jagiya, Jisoo unnie left. She didn't even inform us nor left a message.

Jennie : She probably didn't wanna disturb us... So I guess it's just the two of us.

Lisa : Yeah Hun... I worry for ChaeSoo... Jisoo unnie is very fragile in terms of relationships... and Chaeng... whew... Chaeng is very sweet we both know that but she has built this very very high wall and I think she's keeping score of what Jisoo does and does not. It scares me. She's at her most vulnerable state right now... we all know that her solo is her dream... and there's Chan... keeping her company... I don't know how all of this will turn out... Jisoo now with Jin... and Chaeng has a lot on her plate... I hope they'll talk often...

Jennie : You're right, Poopoo... we both know our best of friends... we know their strengths and their weaknesses... You know it's important that they talk about this... or else, they'll end up fighting everyday. We don't wanna see that happening...

Lisa : Right... Hun... i might be going back to Paris next week for 2 days...

Jennie : Bouya? Waeyo? Aren't you gonna take me with you?

Lisa : Hun ofcourse i'd love to... Mum asked me to accompany her meet with dad's business partners... she said it's important. You know... she said i still should learn the ins and outs of the family business.

Jennie : I see... can i come?

Lisa : Spell come? ^___________^ (Lisa let out a playful smirk and winked at her)

Jennie : Babyyyyyyyy. We can get to that anytime but tell me you'll take me to Paris first.

Lisa : How can I say no to the YG Princess?

Jennie : Oh stop that! I don't even wanna hear that.

Lisa : Hun... let's face it. I'm sure tomorrow, it's all gonna be different. YG will be preparing all the official announcements needed for making your father a part of the board.

Jennie : Baby... tell me... how could you be this understanding? Can't you see? I'm about to replace your photos all over Seoul... everything... all that involve's you will be taken by me. ME, Hun. Your wife. Do you know how bad I feel?

Lisa : But I don't --- just trust me, Hun... I will always be your number one fan. I'll always... always be cheering for you. You don't have to worry about me... Your success is my success... I'll support you no matter what... I could actually retire right now and just be with you as your photographer and I'll even be your bodyguard if you want that... it doesn't really matter to me.

Jennie : awww poopoo... what did i do to deserve you...

Lisa : I love you, soooo much, okay?

Jennie : I know, Hun... I know... and you are the best person ever... and I love you even if all your hair falls off... ^____________^

Lisa : OMO!

Jennie : I'm kidding... it won't fall off that easy... all I'm saying is, I love you. Plain and simple, Manofoot. ;)

Lisa : alright alright alright... whatever Mandu.

Little did JENLISA know, Chaeng has been watching them from the doorway . . .

Chaeng : Aishhhh I wish Jisoo and I are close to being like that.

And little did Chaeng know, Jisoo was already standing behind her back the moment she came...

Jisoo : And we're both wishing the same thing, Chipmunk.

Lisa : Chaeng – ah!

Jennie : Unnie! Where have you both been?

Chaeng sat beside Lisa while Jisoo sat beside Jennie.

Jisoo : Alright... I give up... I'm sorry, Chaeng – ah... I know I should've said YES... Sorry if I doubted you and for doubting myself... Can we skip that part and start over?

Chaeng : Ani... I should be the one apologizing... jumping the gun like that... I'm so sorry... It's just that... there's too much on my plate and I fear that I might screw it all up with one mistake.... which we all know, I can't afford to have. *sigh* I've waited for this my whole life... now that I'm so close to reaching my dreams, there's no turning back.

Jisoo : I understand... If you feel like we should focus on our careers right now, I'll totally respect that...

Lisa : Are you guys seriously breaking up right now????

Jennie : Rosey... don't do this...

Jisoo : She won't... because we both will. I have known you for so long and I love you for always being honest... and pure... and driven... I know you don't wanna keep hurting me... and it's okay... maybe now's not our time...

Chaeng : I'm so sorry.... but I love you deeply.... just let me get on with all this chaos first... after this... I promise it'll all be sweet and happy... I just can't take anymore risks...

Jennie : Funny how Lisa and I were just talking about you guys earlier... I didn't see this coming.... Maybe I did but not so soon...

Jisoo : It's all gonna be fine. And I was already told by manager unnie about your dad's involvement with YG... don't worry about me. I understand and I support you all the way.

Chaeng : Yes unnie... don't worry about me too... we're not sisters for nothing

Lisa's started shedding some tears as she gets very emotional... members thought it was because of what's happening... but like Chaeng, she also has so much on her plate... and the risk she just took is way too big for all four of them to handle. It's make or break for her. Now, she has to act strong not just for Jennie... but for Jisoo and Chaeng as well.

Lisa : Hun, I told you, we got your back...

Chaeng : Can I hug all of you now? I just really need to feel you all close to me right now...

Jisoo : You'll always have me, Tanramgie.

Chaeng : I love you... I love you all.... 


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