#25 Damsel in Distress

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Damsel In Distress

Lisa was surprised with who she saw at their doorstep...

Jisoo : Who is it Lisayah?

Lisa : It's... 

Chaeng rushed at the doorstep to see who it was.

Chaeng : Kai?

Jisoo : What?! Lisayah... (Jisoo approached Lisa as soon as she knew it was indeed Kai at their doorstep)

Kai : Hey... I'm here for Jennie. 

Lisa : Obviously... Come in. She's not here yet.

Chaeng rushed back to the kitchen as Lisa was talking to Kai... Jisoo then followed Chaeng...

Chaeng : Unnie! What is he doing here???

Jisoo : I have no idea! And Jen isnt here yet! Look!!!! Lisa and Kai? This isn't gonna be good!

Chaeng : Poor Lisa. 

Jennie arrived at their dorm and she was surprised to see Kai's car parked outside. 

Jennie's POV

Oh!!!!!! What now>?!?!?! what is Kai doing here??!?!?!?! ughhhh. Run Jennie Run!!

Suddenly, someone was banging the door. The girls were shocked upon hearing a loud knock.

Lisa : Wait up! 

Upon opening the door, Lisa was happy to see Jennie and wants to hug her badly but the thought of having Kai in their lobby pierced her heart. 

Lisa : You're back.

Kai stood up and approached Jennie to give her a kiss on the cheek. 

Kai : Hello there. I just came by to pick you up. 

Jisoo and Chaeng didn't know what to do but was closely watching over the situation. 

Lisa : (clears throat) uhmmm. You guys wanna have breakfast? We prepared pancakes.

Jennie was so tensed and feeling so much awkwardness... She didn't know what to do. She barely looked at Lisa's eyes.

Jennie : Actually, I'm about to leave. 

Lisa : But you haven't eaten anything yet.

Jennie : I'm fine, Lisa. 

Kai : Yeah thanks we can just eat outside when she feels like it. 

Jennie  nodded. 

Jennie : I'll just go upstairs to get my things. 

Lisa was like a statue as Jennie passed her by and she couldn't comprehend Jennie's actions. It's clear that she's hurt but she's more confused than ever. 

Lisa's POV

What is this again? Why am I feeling this way again? I thought it's clear. I thought... 

Jennie was rushing to leave the dorm and didnt even said hi to Chaeng and Jisoo. 

Jennie : I'll be going now. 

Kai : Thanks again Lisa. It was nice talking to you.

Lisa couldn'd find the strength to talk and nodded instead.

Kai held Jennie's hand as they left and rode his car.

As soon as Jennie left, Jisoo and Chaeng rushed to Lisa's and they gathered to give their maknae a group hug...

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