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"Ring! Ring!" 



"It's happening. Prepare yourself. No turning back now."

"Ye. Kamsahamnida."



Jennie : Hun, how long are we staying in Paris? 

Lisa : Uhm... probably just about 2 days? 3 days tops... Why?

Jennie: Oh... nothing... I'm planning a short tour for omma. We talked about it earlier and I said I'll take her around to Paris after all your meetings.

Lisa : Wow that's so sweet of you... Mum will like that for sure. She hasn't been around Paris that much. 

Jennie : I know, Poopoo... So let me take charge on the planning. Have you booked our hotels yet? 

Lisa : Ohhhh thatttt. Can you manage that for me right now, Babe? I really still have lots to do and papers to review... 

Jennie : No worries Hun... is everything alright? you need any help? Lemme know, okay?

Lisa : Everything's under control Hun... Poopoo just needs to make some real big decisions that's why... and I dont wanna be unprepared. 

Jennie : I am so proud of you, Jagiya... I'm proud of you since the day I met you and you started dancing with that apple hair of yours... I already knew from that very moment that you'll do great. I guess I'm just the luckiest to be beside you every step of the way...

Lisa grabbed Jennie's right hand and placed it in her chest....

Lisa : I love you and I'll work even harder. . . for you... for us... for our future. 

Lisa leaned in and gave her a kiss and just when things are about to heat up, they were interrupted with a knock. . . 


"Come in, Unnie."

Jisoo : Have you heard the latest news?

Lisa : What about?

Jisoo : YG.

Jennie : What about it?

Jisoo : Rumor has it that YG won't be able to pay off its debts with Louis Vuitton and the deadline is fast approaching. 

Jennie : Jinja??? When will the deadline be???

Jisoo : I heard it'll be by the end of the month. 

Jennie : Next week???

Jisoo : Yes... and if YG won't be able to pay it off, 40% of shares will be turned over to LV... imagine??? Hang Hyun Suk owns only 20% of YG now, his brother, 10% and your dad 30%. 

Jennie : LV will hold the most number of shares... meaning?

Lisa : We will be having a new CEO ? We will all be under new management. AGAIN. 

Jennie : Ughhhh that is just tiring... We've been into one transition and I find it really difficult... now, we'll be under it again? In less than a year, huh?

Jisoo : I know... I wonder what kind of tactic Sajangnim will play this time. 

Lisa : I guess we just have to wait and see... as long as we get to keep our jobs, we'll be fine, right?

Jennie : Our comeback will definitely be put in jeopardy. We've been getting a number of backlash from Knetz... YG needs to be more careful in playing their cards... or else, we will all go down with them. It's gonna be the biggest meltdown in KPOP history. 

Lisa : We don't want that, Hun. 

Jisoo : Yes... ofcourse... we don't want that. Anyways, you guys enjoy your short trip... Don't forget my favorite!!! 

Jennie : Ofcourse unnie... I have it all on my list. :)

Lisa : Where's Chaeng by the way?

Jisoo : She's still probably with Chan at the studio or at the set... I don't know really... But i'm sure she'll be home soon. 

Lisa : It seems to me that you are already pretty adjusted with your setup. 

Jisoo : Ye.. we don't have much choice... we gotta make this work somehow. Besides, she gave me her word... I'll hold on to that. 

Jennie : Patient Chu... I like that... Good decision unnie... Everything will be fine, I'm sure. 

"Ding Dong!" 

Jisoo : Oh! That's probably our food! 

Jennie : Weeeeeeeee just right in time!!! I'm famished!!!

Jisoo : Lisayahhhhh paliiiii.

Lisa : Owww I ugh... Hun, have you seen my wallet? 

Jennie : You forgot it again???

Lisa : I'm not sure... 

Jisoo : Aishhhh what's happening to you, Lali? You were never this forgetful. 

Lisa : I just really have a lot in my head right now... 

Jennie : It's alright... I'll get the bill... 

Lisa : Thanks Hun... 

Jennie and Jisoo left Lisa in the room the get the food delivery...

Jisoo : Jendeuk, have you noticed something about Lisashi?

Jennie : Ugh.. tell me about it... she's been very busy with their family business...

Jisoo : Yeah I can see that... and this trip to Paris...

Jennie : Yes, she said she'll accompany her mum for some important meetings. 

Jisoo : You're my bestfriend, right? Pls check on Lali... she asked me to get her phone from her bag yesterday, her wallet was there... it's slighty open and i didn't see any of  her cards... not even a single penny. 

Jennie : Jinja?? She always has her cards... her entire earnings are there. Could it be the  reason why she has been bailing out in paying for our meals and dates?

Jisoo : I'm not sure... but I have notices she hasn't been really buying anything lately which is very unlikely of her...

Jennie : I know.. right,...? it's not that she should pay or everything but you know Lisa... she's oppa like that... always pays for us... faster than a lightning. 

Jisoo : I know... so be sure to talk to her... and really check what's going on. For all we know, she's the richest among the four of us. She has more projects. That's why I got shocked seeing nothing from her wallet. Is she broke? But how? and why?

Jennie : well they did bought a house here... 

Jisoo : Just that? she can't go broke with that. 

Jennie : I know.... hmm... thanks for noticing unnie... I'll try to ask her and make her open up to  me. Maybe that's why she's  very busy... I have never seen her this busy with business like what she always told me. Now it makes me think...


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