#55 Love Doctor

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Lisa and Jennie woke up upon hearing Jisoo's loud voice. They hurriedly ran to their unnie's room and there they found a furious Chikin. Her arms were folded and was walking back and forth in all the corners of her room, even Dalgom looked very condused with his mom's behavior.

Lisa : Jisooyah, what's wrong? 

Jennie : Unnie, is everything alright? What happened?

The couple sat on the bed as they were watching Jisoo's strange behaviour. 

Jisoo : Arghhhh!!! If I had only known that this is how it's gonna be, I should not have even dared to waste even a second of my time thinking about h--- ugh. nevermind. 

Lisa : Unnie, is this about what you told me earlier?

Jennie : What is it, Hun? What did she tell you?

Lisa : Unnie? Aren't you gonna tell Jennie too? 

Jisoo : Aiiiishhhh what is there to tell Lisayah??? For goodness sake I only felt this like 3 days ago??? 

Jennie : Felt what??? Why aren't you telling me unnie? 

Lisa : Hun... let's not push her... 

Jisoo : Right! aish how were you two even able to handle everything and still be together???

Jennie : Omo unnie!!!!!!! Are you inlove???

Jisoo : Inlove??? Aniyoooo. You're my bestfriend. You know I'm not capable of feeling that way.

Lisa : Ah... unnie... you love us, don't you?

Jennie : Yeah.. and you take good care of us very well... and you love Dalgom too! 

Jisoo : But that kind of love is different... it doesn't drive me crazy. I get annoyed, yes especially with you Lisayah but I am still happy... I never felt worried... you know? It's... it's... complicated. 

Jennie : So what is it that worries you? And... wait a minute, who are we talking about???

Lisa : It's---

Jisoo : The aussie girl who sings in the middle of the night which wakes me up but soothes me at the same time... see what I mean? I'm hopeless. 

Jisoo sat in between Lisa and Jennie for comfort... 

Lisa : Jisooyah... it's alright... and it's normal... you don't have to keep fighting it if that's what you truly feel. 

Jennie : I still can't believe it... 

Lisa : So what's troubling you right now?

Jisoo : I called Chaeyongie after the airing of the latest episode of Arthdal. We were both laughing and she kept on teasing me until I heard an unfamiliar voice so I asked her who she's with... 

Jennie : And?

Jisoo : She's with her ex... 

Lisa : Ex??? 

Jennie : She had an ex???

Jisoo : Yeah... and she said that her ex was already standing infront of her house when it called so she had no choice but to let her ex in. 

Lisa : oooh... so she  had an ex... is he cute??? Does he sing???

Jisoo : What?!?!?! How do you expect me to know that??? And for the record, it's not a HE, it's  a SHE and her name's MELISSA.

Lisa : Mel-what????

Jennie : Poopoo, she said Melissa. What's wrong??? 

Lisa : Pffftttt. nothing. Why does it sound funny to me?? anyways, don't mind me. So.. what's your plan? Can't you book an earlier flight to Melbourne? It looks to me that you won't be able to sleep tonight. 

Jisoo : I don't know... I'm not even sure with a lot of things... I don't wanna look all crazy by dealing with this... you know? I might scare her away. 

Jennie : Okay... can you slowdown? I can't follow. Tell me... what is it that you feel??? Are you inlove with Chaeng?

Jisoo : That's the thing... I don't even know what this is.... All I know right now is I'm pissed and I wanna be there... 

Lisa : Aww... my chikin unnie is inlove but she ain't admitting it yet... but don't worry... I'm sure chipmunk won't be able to resist your charm!

Jennie : ooohhhhh hun... I love your optimism. 

Lisa : Ofcourse Baby... that's what I did to keep fighting for our love... no matter how bad it gets... no matter how tough it may be... no matter how moody you get... tssssss.... I'll never get tired of loving you. 

Lisa leaned in to squeeze the two for a hug. 

Jennie : Thank you jagiya... I love you so much and we love you Jisoo unnie... I hope you'll be able to figure it all out. I'm sure it's all gonna be worth it. 

Jisoo : You two... You know I only believe in idol relationships because of you... I witnessed your love story and as much  as I hate to admit it... I adore your relationship. Goals!!!!

Jennie : Thank you unnie... promise we'll help you win Chaeng every step of the way. You already have the Love Doctor Lisa here... and she's the best.

Jisoo : Ugh! You're whipped!

Lisa : And so are you. 

Jennie : Now we're all even. Hahahaha

Jisoo : I love you dorks. 

Jennie and Lisa : We love you too. uhhhmmmmmmmmmm

The cute duo squeezed an even tighter hug to comfort Jisoo and decided that they'll sleep beside their unnie to calm her mind... They want Jisoo to be able to think straight and process this alien emotion properly. They love their members and since they became a couple, the dorm has been filled with too much cheesiness courtesy of them two and they can't wait to have their other members experience that too. 
Though this is bizarre to the three of them, they are nothing but excited for their unnie who finally opened her heart and feel such wonderful emotion. As for Chaeng, Lisa knows what to since they are best of friends and she doesn't know Melissa. 

It's ChaeSoo for the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ************

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