#52 A lil' CHAESOO?

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"Knock! Knock!"

Chaeng : Jisoo unnie??? I was just about to call you or go to your room.. I have something to tell you...

Jisoo sat on the bed feeling a little confused with Chaeng's behavior.

Jisoo : Uhmm Chaeng-ah, you seem a little jumpy... What is it that you wanna tell me?

Chaeng : Oh! Yes yes unnie... before I tell you, do you want to order anything? My treat!

Jisoo's eyes widened upon hearing Chaeng's offer.

Jisoo : OMO! That's new. I'm surprised. Well then... chicken all the way for me.

Chaeng : I knew it! Haha

Chaeng order one whole chicken , fries and orange juice and pasta for the two of them.

Chaeng : So... unnie... here's the thing... Remember I told you about my ex girlfriend back in Australia?

Jisoo : uhuh... I'm listening...

Chaeng : She called! Actually, I have just got off the phone with her and...

Jisoo : And?

Chaeng : She wants to see me! Well.. that's not exactly what she said and I am not being assuming or something but that's how I interpreted it you know? Like why would she wanna see me after I left her for Korea right? Like why would she wanna hangout? But that's what she really said to me unnie... she said her coursins are crazy about blackpink... and her mom and dad misses me... so they all wanna see me. Like hello? I ---

Chaeng was speaking so fast and arguing with herself and stammering and sounding really uncertain.

Jisoo was silently observing Chaeng's behavior and couldn't help but laugh at her as she was sounding really silly.

Jisoo : Shush!!!!!!! I need to cut you on that.

Chaeng : Omo. Wey?

Jisoo : Becauuuuuuse you speak too much. It's very basic Chaeng-ah. Do you wanna see her or not?

Do you wanna meet with her family again? Do you miss her too?

Chaeng's eyes widened with Jisoo's last question.

Chaeng : What??? She never said that she missed me. Uhtoke?!

Jisoo : Aishhhhh. Kids are so insensitive nowadays... ey?

Chaeng : Oh... don't give me that unnie. I am really not insensitive. You know that!

Chaeng poked Jisoo on her left shoulders and slightly pinched her unnie's cheeks.

Jisoo : Ugh. What are you doing? Let go of my cheeks!

Jisoo didn't notice that she was starting to blush.

Chaeng : uwu uwu uwu uwuuuuuu. Is this really you unnie??? Are you blushing??? Was I responsible for that????

Chaeng was teasing Jisoo nonstop.

Jisoo : Uhtoke?! Stop now, chipmunk. I'm serious.

Chaeng was startled upon seeing Jisso's serious face but started wondering why did her unnie blush when she pinched her cheeks.

Jisoo : So... What's your plan? Will you go and see her?

Chaeng : Well... about that...

Chaeng laid down on the bed and let out a deep breath, Jisoo then followed her and they are now both staring at the ceiling.

Jisoo : Don't you think we look like idiots?

Chaeng : Wey???

Jisoo : I never appreciated my room's ceiling before. Look at us right now... it's plain white... do you see anything else?

Chaeng : Aish unnie. You really are the weirdest unnie ever.

Jisoo : So...

Chaeng : Uhm.. So..?

Jisoo's POV

Uhm... why does this feel weird? Jesus Jisooyah. You've been with her for almost 10 years now. Why are you feeling weird all of a sudden?

Jisoo then decided to break the silence...

Jisoo : So, what's it gonna be? You're leaving tomorrow. You should already have a decision by now. Tik tok tik tok.

Jisoo playfully knocked on Chaeng's head as she was trying to shake off the weirdness she's feeling inside.

Chaeng : Aish unnie! It hurts! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahuhuhuhu

Jisoo : Now you're trying to be cute. Do maknaes really have that special talent?

Chaeng : Just admit that I am cute unnie. It won't be that bad.

Giving Jisoo a playful wink.

Jisoo : Aish. Whatever you decide on, I'll support you, okay? Just don't be too easy. Make her want you more. Arasso?

Chaeng : Kurey unnie. Gomawo. Well... I should finish packing... I'll be leaving tomorrow... I'll see you all there unnie...

Jisoo : Neh... I'm sure you're very excited. You know as much as I hate to admit it, I'm really proud of you Chipmunk. You've achieved so much and I'm sure that people from your hometown are very proud of you as well. You really did great, Pasta!

Chaeng : Ahhh unnie!!! Chipmunk and Pasta in one sentence? How savage can you get???

Jisoo : Aishhhh don't be too overly sensitive. Lisa's much worse than I am.

Chaeng : Aniya.

Jisoo : Oh stop. Not because you're inlove with her, you can bend the truth!

Chaeng : I wasn't even thinking about that now unnie. Believe me.

Jisoo : Hmm... since you mentioned that, are your really over the monkey?

Chaeng : Well.. I'm happy for her and Jennie unnie. They are perfect for each other.

Jisoo : That didn't answer the question.

Chaeng : To be honest, I haven't thought about it unnie... and I don't feel sad anymore... I haven't felt pain in my chest since I don't know when... I have been happy unnie... I'm great!

Jisoo : Wooooh... isn't that because of your caller earlier?

Chaeng : Aniyoooo. Unnie. We only talked just now. It can't be that.

Jisoo : I know you Chaeyongie. I think she's still special for you. What's her name again?

Chaeng : Oh, her name's Melissa.

Jisoo : Mel-what???

Chaeng : MeLISSSSAAAAAAAA. C'mon unnie. It's not connected.

Jisoo : Hah!!! So you have one taste in girls. Hahahahaha

Chaeng : Whatever unnie. I'll continue packing my stuff. Thanks for such a wonderful conversation. I'll miss you Jisooyahhhhh.

Chaeng leaned in for a hug and Jisoo felt calm... she hugged her back and they both paused in silence... just leaning with each other... both arms are locked as they were resting on each one's shoulders... Jisoo will miss her... she knows that for sure since she'll be heading to Australia 5 days earlier to spend some time with her family. Since it's her like homecoming, she has plans to visit her school, some friends, teachers and places that are memorable for her. After they both let go of the hug, Jisoo took her leave.

The following day, Chaeng left for the airport. She bid her sweet goodbyes with Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo but the latter on the other hand felt something's off and she never felt that way before. She thought to herself that maybe because she's used to having the four of them or at least Chaeng is always there with her. Jennie and Lisa can be very busy and have traveled without the other members but Chaeng and Jisoo are always together. 


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