#53 Could it really be?

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The Pinks are now back at their dorm... 

Jisoo's POV

Wow... the dorm feels different without that Pasta. It seems quietter... Well, maybe because Lisa's too busy with Jennie... I wonder if she's already at her home... oh... I should give her a call. Right. Right. Since I got no one to talk to anyways. 

"Ring! Ring!"

Chaeng: Unnie!!!! What's up? 

Jisoo : Chaeyongie! Are you home safe?

Chaeng : Aww... why  so sweet jisooyah? 

Jisoo : Aish. What the hell are you talking about? Do not flatter yourself Pasta. 

Chaeng : Oh. why so cranky? Where's Jennie Unnie and my monkey?

Jisoo : Yahhhhh. I'm the one on the line and yet you're asking about someone else. You haven't even answered my question yet. Let me repeat it for you. Chaeyongie, how was your flight?

Chaeng: But that's not your question unnie. You said Chaeyongie, are you home safe?

Jisoo : And?

Chaeng : Don't worry unnie. I'm home safe. Gaaaahhh I miss this place. I miss my room! My bed! The trees! Everythiiiiiiiiing unnie!

Jisoo : Yeah... well... I'm happy for you Chaeyongie. I can't wait to be there with you as well. 

Annnnnndddddddd pfffffffffffttttttttttt! What did I just say???!?!?!?! The f*** is wrong with me?!?!?!?! - she thought to herself

Chaeng : Ah. unnie! What's with you these days? Did you eat too much sugar? 

Jisoo : Stop. I won't buy your cheesiness. All I'm saying is, I can't wait to explore your hometown. Got it? 

Chaeng : oooooh your sudden coldness gave me chills. 

Jisoo : Whatever Chipmunk. So, tell me, when will you be meeting with your Melissa? 

Chaeng : My what??? I beg your pardon?

Jisoo : Your MeLiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaa. 

Chaeng : You're really being silly right now unnie. She isn't MY MeLiiiiiiiissssssaaaaaaaa. 

Jisoo : Pfffttttt. So when? When will you guys meet???

Chaeng : Calm down unnie. hahaha You are too temperamental right now. Are you alright?

Jisoo : Yeah... I'm just bored. 

Chaeng : Oh... so you're calling me because you're bored?

Jisoo : Aniyaaaaaaaa. Why are you so difficult? I was checking if you're home safe because you didn't inform me... *clears throat* uhm and Lisa and even Jennie. So i thought to myself, Ah why not call her. And here I am. Viola!!!

Chaeng : Hmmmmmmm... can you be like that all the time unnie? I like it. I didn't know you could be that sweet.

Jisoo : Uhtoke? I was just asking if you're okay. I wanna know. 

Aiiiiiiisssssshhhhhhh Jisoooooyaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh control your mouth!!!! 

Chaeng : Why? Why do you wanna know unnie?

Jisoo unnie is really acting weird. But... she's cute when she's like this. It's exciting. For almost a decade I never heard this tone of voice from her. So tender... So full of care... I mean... what's up with her? 

Chaeng : Unnie!!! Did you hung up on me???

Jisoo : Aniya... Dalgom interrupted me... He's now laying beside me... 

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