#56 Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

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Jisoo booked the next earliest flight to Melbourne because as much as she can't understand her emotions right now, she's sure of one thing, she wants to be with Chaeng and she's annoyed as f*ck having Melissa in the picture. 

Jisoo's POV

I don't know what this is... but... I can't stand a day at the dorm knowing that THAT CHIPMUNK is out there with her EX. What if this Melissa has bad intentions? What if she just wants to take advantage of Chaeng's fame? I can't let that happen. I don't wanna see Chaeng being hurt and broken. I can't even begin to imagine. Ugh! Why is she so nice? She could just not answer her phone since she does that regularly. Right? Why did she even answer?!?! But... what if she still has feelings for her? Uhtoke?!?!?! Andeeeeee!!!!!!!! It can't be! NO DATING! That's what the rule book says. That's on the contract! Right. I should be the one to remind her that. She can't date that melissa. She won't have a future. How will it work anyways? Long-Distance Relationship? Hell no! Korea is wayyyy to far from Melbourne. She'll just end up getting hurt. NO CAN DO. I won't let that happen. 

Jisoo is very determined to guard Chaeng trying to fight her feelings and interpret it the friendly way. But she knows deep down inside, there's already something there... and it's growing... She's just too chicken to face it. 

Jisoo called Lisa after learning that she doesn't know how to get to Chaeng's place. 

Lisa : Ya! Jisooyah!!! You there yet? How was your flight?

Jisoo : Lisayah, i have no time. I need to hurry but I don't know how to get to Chaeng's place. Can I have her address? 

Lisa : Oh yeah... yeah... right... you hop on a plane... not knowing where to go aside from what continent you'll be heading. You really are crazy Chikin. 

Jisoo : C'moooooooooooooon. How do I get there???

Lisa : Have you forgotten who you are? KIM JISOO? You are KIM JISOO. You can get to wherever you want to be. So much for acting brave eh? Do you know what to say to her when you appear at her doorstep?

Jisoo : Uhtoke?! Lisayaaaaaaaaah! You are unbelievable. Just give me  her address!

Lisa : OKay okay... I'll send it to you. and Don't leave yet. Stay where you are. I'll get you a limo. Will text you the details. Be safe, alright? I got you. 

Jisoo : Kamsahamnida Lisa Oppa. :)

The limo that Lisa arranged, arrived. When Jisoo opened the door, she was shocked to see what's inside.

 When Jisoo opened the door, she was shocked to see what's inside

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Ring! Ring!

Jisoo : Lisayah!!! what is this??? 

Lisa : Ugh. Aren't you gonna thank me? 

Jisoo : Flowers? Seriously? 

Lisa : You don't wanna go to your girl's house empty - handed. 

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