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Jenie arrived the following night and silenty crashed to Lisa's room as she was sleeping... 

Jennie was just staring at sleeping Lisa for more than an hour and shedding silent tears as she wants to hug and kiss the love of her life whom she knows is badly hurting right now because of her actions... 

As Jennie was gently rubbing Lisa's hair... 

"I'm sorry Lisayah... you don't deserve to be hurt this way... I've been terrible... I know i've been weak and probably the worst bandmate, unnie and a partner to you... But I hope you'll find it in your heart to believe that I truly love you and forgive me for hiding things from you... I'll admit I got scared and blinded by my career but you know you can't blame me, right? You've come to know me as a person who does everything for her dreams... you told me that when we were still on training... And yes, I have my life planned out... But I didn't expect to fall for you and love you this much and I got really confused as to how I'll be able to deal with this... I'm sorry... This is all new to me... But I don't wanna keep making excuses... I'm truly very sorry Lisayah... I should have fought for you... for us... If only I had been stronger, We're probably still together right now and really happy. I know I have always failed to acknowledge your presence even before... You always tell me that I am your kryptonite... that I make you weak and tremble just by staring at you... but you know what? You make me weak Lisayah... You make me the softest person in the planet... And sometimes I don't like that... I'm fine being the toughest and the most savage person for all I care... But you... you make my heart melt everytime... just by staring at you I feel like I could careless about everything... as long as there's you... And I'm not used to that kind of emotion... On all of my dreams that are coming true, you are the one that I didn't ask for... But if you'll open my heart, you'll see... that this... with you... is more than any dream I could probably reach and achieve. You are my resting place Lisayah... my destination... With you I am at peace... I don't know how you do that but that's how it has been for me since the day i woke up knowing that I love you and that you love me too. If only I have the courage, I'll tell Sajangnim this... and I'll let the world know that I am the luckiest to have you. "

"You're too wonderful Honey... I guess they haven't realized it yet. Sorry if I let you down... But I'll trade everything just to have another shot with you... I love you... I love you always My Lili..."

Jennie was silently crying as she was saying these words to Lisa while asleep but she didn't know that Lisa was awake the whole time and heard every single word she said...

The next morning... 

 Chaeng : Hey!!! You're okay now? Where are you going???

Lisa's feeling a little better now and she hurriedly left the dorm to talk to someone important. 

Lisa's POV

This is it. I know I should have done this weeks ago! It's now or never Lisa. You can do it!

Lisa arrived at the YG Building and rushes to the CEO's office.

"Knock! Knock! It's Lisa."

CEO : Lisa? We don't have a scheduled meeting. Why are you here? 

Lisa : May I come in?

CEO : Sure. Have a seat. 

Lisa : Sajangnim, I don't wanna waste your time. I Know you're a very busy person so I'll be straight...I'm only here for one reason and it's Jennie. 

CEO : Okay? What about her?

Lisa : I ugh... (Lisa let go a deep breath before continuing with her profession of love for jennie) I'M INLOVE WITH JENNIE KIM. 

Then there was a brief silence...

CEO : But that's not allowed. 

Lisa : I am very much aware and I also know everything about you trying to keep us apart and pairing her with Kai. I'm sorry Sajangnim. I meant no disrespect. But if you'll allow me... I'll make a deal with you. 

CEO : A deal? For what?

Lisa : For Jennie. 

Sajangnim burst into laughter upon hearing what Lisa said. 

CEO : A deal? For Jennie? You don't know what you're talking about. 

Lisa : You're probably right but all I know is we love each other and I want to make her happy. 

CEO : You're just a kid Lisa! Korea will never accept it! 

Lisa : But how can you be so sure? I promise I'll work harder. If you have to cut my budget, I won't complain. I love her and I have never been so sure in my life. 

CEO : How can you say that? You're just 21! You'll meet a lot of people. Just forget it Lisa. It will never happen. I will never approve of this. So stop it! You're not thinking clear! Do you know how bad this will affect our stocks in the market? Do you know that if we loose our Korean fans, we will be doomed? We are in Korea. It's different from around the world if that's what you're thinking. Just look at your case.

Lisa : I know. I know. You don't have to keep telling me that. But right now, I'm willing to give this all up for Jennie. I'll work for you behind the cameras. I can be a photographer for YG or a janitor or a driver. I'll learn how to drive. I'm a fast learner. Or if you're kind enough I can be a choreographer here. You can utilize me. Just please give us your blessings... I know how much this means to Jennie... This is her dream... and I don't wanna take that away from her just by being with me. 

Lisa begged harder and was on her knees with a fierce look in her eyes. She's certain that she's doing the right thing... If Jennie can't fight for them, she would. 

CEO : Lisa this is crazy. Get up! 

Lisa : Sir please... please... try to consider... You can take it from my salary incase you loose in the stock market and incase our sales go down... I'll pay for everything... I have enough savings... I can cover for a year of expense of my group... Please Sir... Let us try... Maybe the people will approve.. and if they don't, I'm willing to face the consequences...

CEO : Lisa... you're unbelievable. Just stand up... and sit down. WIll you please?!

Lisa : Sajangnim.. you're like a father to me.. to all of us... I believe that you have a good heart and that you care for us genuinely... that's why I'm here... begging you... and being honest with you... Promise I won't mess this up.

Sajangnim couldn't believe his ears... He knows Lisa and he's never seen her this certain aside from dancing. 

CEO : *sigh* Okay. I have a plan. 


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