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Lisa arrived where she's supposed to meet the one on the phone... 

Lisa : Hello Kim! T'was nice seeing you. Did you bring everything?

Kim : Ofcourse but let me ask you again, are you really sure about this? 

Lisa : I can't think of any other way to penetrate without getting noticed. 

Kim : You know it'll cost you so much, right? 

Lisa : I have prepared for this... not just for myself... but for Jennie and for my family.

Kim : I always admire your determination. Now if you don't have any other requests or conditions, let me hand you the documents so that we'll both be out of each other's hair soon. 

Lisa : Ande... It's really not a big deal... We can always have salad and tea like you always do in Paris. 

Kim : Well I know you're a very busy woman. I don't wanna keep so much of your time. 

Lisa : It's alright. Actually, mum's on her way here to meet us. 

Kim : Oh great! I'd love to meet with her again after our short chitchat in Paris. You know you're really blessed to have the best support system. Your mom and your dad's connection... yet how your family remains humble? Are you even for real?

Lisa : Pfffttt. You know it's not necessary to brag about what you've accomplished in life. Mum always told me that. And dad never fails to remind me about discipline and perseverance like how he never used his connections in Bangkok for me to have an easy glittering career. I always had to learn it the hard way that's why I value everything so much I have right now... and to be honest, my friend, this is the most unstable phase I have witnessed, YG. And I fear for my career too... for everything that I was able to gain through them... I'm afraid I might lose it all also because of the company. 

Kim : That sucks, right? Not being able to give the fans what they deserve and the artists being deprived of their musicality? I'm surprised to know you're holding up very well. 

Lisa : I love what I do, Kim and I love my members. And to be fair with YG, there's no Blackpink without 'em. 

Kim : That is a fair point. But look at you guys now... being ridiculed, judged, and as for you being discriminated all the time... yet you still wanna continue? 

Lisa : This is all I know, Kim... I left home when I was 14 yrs old... I didn't finish school... YG has become my university... I didn't get a degree... this is everything to me and I'll do anything in my tiniest power to protect what I have and what all of my members have. We're family now... so... it's always best when it's the four of us, you know? 

Kim : I get your point... and I admire you even more... You're all lucky to have each other... 

Lisa : *sigh* I am the luckiest... really... they are the best sisters in the whole world.

Kim : Just sisters? 

Lisa : Ah... Ande... hahahaha you know what I mean. Hahahaha

Kim and Lisa shared a good laugh as their conversation went on... and after several minutes, her mum arrived. Lisa then signed the documents and took their leave and went to their newly bought apartment.

L's Mum: Pokpak, you're really doing it... 

Lisa : Yes mum... for us... for Jennie... and for everyone, I guess...?

L's Mum: Always know that we're right behind you, okay? Your dad and I are always proud of you. 

Lisa : Thanks Mum... It'll just take a little more time... I hope everything works out perfectly for all of us... 

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