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The meeting with Jennie took almost an hour and while Lisa was waiting for her at the car, she couldn't help but feel worried and anxious at the same time after seeing the familiar person walked in YG. 

Lisa's POV

What is he doing here? What could he probably want right now? After all these years.... Why is he here? And why on earth is he at YG? I wonder what's happening... what's taking Jennie so long? 

.....Earlier at The CEO's OFFICE....

CEO : Good morning Mr. Kim. Have a seat.

Jennie : Dad??

 Mr. Kim : Jen. Nice to see you again. 

Jennie : What are you doing here?

Mr. Kim : Aren't you glad to see me, Princess?

Jennie : Please, Dad, stop calling me that. Princesses are never left by their dads.

CEO : I hate to interrupt your father-daughter talk right now but I think we should go into business. Mr. Kim?

Mr. Kim : Ah. Ye. I'm here to offer my interest in buying shares from this company. Say.... 30%? It has come to my attention that YG is having a huge financial crisis and ofcourse, my daughter works here and I want to offer my help. 

Jennie : Help? But you never liked the idea of me being an idol. Why help me now? 

CEO : Jennie, your dad sent me a very generous proposal and the reason that I invited him here is to finalize the deal. 

Jennie : If that's the case, why summon me? 

Mr. Kim : Because you are part of the deal. 

Jennie : Bouya??? 

CEO : Your father specifically demanded to have your full solo album and be labeled as YG PRINCESS officially....  and also be the face of Nonagon. 

Jennie : YG what??? And Nonagon? That's Lisa's! 

Mr. Kim : WAS Lisa's. Now it's gonna be your face and your signature on all YG brands and you will be hailed as the top idol of YG. 

Jennie : Why are you doing this? 

Mr. Kim : Because I never supported you before and this is my way of showing you my support, princess. Don't you wanna be on top of this business?

Jennie : I do but not through you, Dad. I will never put my bandmates in jeopardy just for my own sake. We're family, for Christ's sake! 

CEO : But this is business, Jennie. Once I sign this document, your apprehensions will never matter anymore. You are only here to be informed of the terms of the deal with your father because Mr. Kim asks for it. 

Jennie : Excuse me but Dad, can you not make me hate you more? Can you stop this? 

Mr. Kim : As much as I would want to, but, this is business, princess. You don't understand right now, but you'll thank me soon once you see your face all over Asia and all over the world. 

Jennie : I can't do this to my bandmates especially Lisa. She has  endured so much and I can't allow myself taking whatever that's hers. 

Mr. Kim : Do you hear yourself? She is not good for you. Did you see the recent brand ranking? You barely made it to top 30. Why? Because of your involvement with her!

CEO : Jennie, nothing in here is Lisa's. This is all on the company. Nothing belongs to her. Nothing is permanent, Jennie. All this? it comes and goes... what's the big deal?

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