#54 MelRose

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@Chaeng's Room in Melbourne

"Ring! Ring!"

Melissa : Hello Roseanne! How was your flight? Are you home already?

Chaeng : Hi Mel! Yeah... I'm actually organizing my stuff here and I realized I brought so much... Hahaha

Melissa : You still love to stock on clutter. Hahaha 

                  Uhm... you think you could come out a bit? I'm here infront of your house... 

Chaeng : Omo!!!??? You're what???

Melissa : Oh,... sorry... I didn't mean to come unannounced and uninvited... I though I could surprise you... If you're busy, I can just leave and probably see you on the day after tomorrow... 

Chaeng : Oh no no no.  I was just not expecting that. Sorry if I yelled but it isn't really like that you know... 

Melissa chuckled -- You don't have to apologize Roseanne. 

Chaeng : Oh! You're still there? I'll head out now. 

Melissa: Okay... Don't hung up the phone please. 

Chaeng's POV

What the hell is she doing here? And what's with so much soft talking? Gahhhh. has everyone ate too much sugar? First, Jisoo unnie. Now, Mel. What's happening to the world? 

Melissa : Roseanne? Are you still there? 

Chaeng : Yep... I'm almost out of the house. 

Chaeng slowly opened the gate and Melissa greeted her with a tight hug. 

Melissa : Oops. Sorry... I... (stammering and awkwardly rubbing her neck with her right hand)

                   I'm really glad to see you. 

Chaeng : Oh... hey... yeah... me too. Come inside. 

Did she really have to hug me? Boy it was soooo tight! I thought she won't let go. Geeeezzzz. What is really happening with the world??? 

Chaeng : Here... so... welcome to my house. It's been almost a decade... nothing has changed really... 

Both are seated at the sofa and Chaeng switched on the TV because she'll be watching the series which Jisoo will be appearing in the next episodes. 

Melissa : Ehm, what are we watching? 

Chaeng : Sorry... I need to check on the latest episode of this one. (she said chuckling)

                   Do you want anything? We can order in or I can make you a sandwich and we have coffee, tea, milk or juice. 

Melissa : You don't have to bother... I actually brought you something... Margehrita Pizza? you used to like this a lot, I don't know if you still do...

Chaeng : Wow!!!!!!!!!! You still remembered that??? I missed this!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! 

Chaeng was jumping out of excitement upon seeing the food the Melissa had brought her but got distracted upon seeing that Arthdal Chronicles is now starting. 

Chaeng : Oh oh oh !!! Waittttt. Let's watch this! Is it okay? I just really can't miss a single episode or else... 

Melissa: Or else what?

Chaeng : Oh nothing. It's silly actually...

Melissa : No... what is it? Did your boyfriend love this series too?

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