#67 Maybe The Wine

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Jisoo : Chaeng... please stop drinking... stop being silly.

Chaeng : Now I'm being silly. Tell me... tell me unnie... am I ugly?

Jisoo : WHAT??? NO!!!! you're gorgeous!

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Jisoo : WHAT??? NO!!!! you're gorgeous!

Chaeng : Then why do I never make it on your IG Feed???

Chaeng : Then why do I never make it on your IG Feed???

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Jisoo :OMO! Is it all because of that???

Chaeng : why did you never let her hang out with us? Are you hiding something?

Jisoo : i am not... but... actually... there's something you should know...

Chaeng : are you inlove with her???

Jisoo : no... but... yes... i think i'm inlove...

Chaeng : then she's a lucky bitch. Tell her i said that.

Jisoo : no... not her...

Chaeng : is it jennie unnie?

Jisoo : what?!?!?!

Chaeng : i dont know now really... after Lisa... i cant seem to process my emotions properly.

Jisoo : are you still inlove with her?

Chaeng : Lisa. . . Or Melisaa?

Jisoo : wow. How many women have you loved?

Chaeng : yeah and had my heart broken. You know what? Melissa treats me nicely. She makes me feel secured and always tries to make me happy. *sigh*i never felt that in such a long time.

Jisoo : so you want her back?

Chaeng : i just think that you know... lisa with jennie unnie... you with sooju... i have just realized that i am so fucking lonely.

Jisoo : you are not. You have me. You have us.

Chaeng : you don't understand how i feel. You were never alone.

Jisoo : You know what? you're right... 

Jisoo then stood up and turned her back to Chaeng in attempt to acquire courage.

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