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After their meeting at YG, the girls immediately head back to the dorm but before they could settle in the kitchen, Lisa yet again told Jennie that she'll be going out for another meeting. 

This time, Jennie isn't taking another lame excuse from Lisa after she knew about her lover's financial situation. 

Jennie : No. You won't be going out of this dorm without telling me the truth.

Lisa : Truth? About what? I will really be in a meeting. 

Jennie : What kind of meeting is that? The one that sucks all your money kind of meeting?

Lisa : Bouya? What are you talking about???

Jennie : Stop lying to me. 

Lisa : I am not! I never lie to you, Jen. Please, I really need to go now. I don't want to keep my company waiting. 

Jennie : Are you being serious right now? You won't even bother answer all my questions! 

Lisa : I told you already. I will be meeting someone for the business!

Jisoo : Yaaaa. Keep it down, you two. Why are you yelling???

Chaeng : Lisayah, we're just concerned about you. You can tell us anything, alright? Don't push us away.

Lisa : But I am not pushing anyone away! what is all this??? What is this confrontation about???

Jennie : We know you're broke! So please, atleast tell me what's going on. Please. So I can help you. 

Jisoo : You can count on us, Lali. 

Chaeng : We're here for you, Lisayah...  

Lisa is quite irritated with how Jennie sneaked in to check on her things which lead to her finding out about her current finances. But she must be able to hide the truth from her members and give them a solid alibi. 

Lisa : I know... and who told you I've gone broke? I'm just on the process of transferring all my savings from one bank to another. Mum told me. We've been fixing everything for the business. You all know that... Dad is making me an official part of the company he's built. And in order for me to be his heir, I need to transfer my savings from a thai bank since our company is in bangkok. So calm down... we're just organizing our assets. 

Jisoo : But you've been bailing out lately with our simple food bills. And you didn't even bought us something from Paris. That is very unlikely of you. 

Lisa : Oh great. is that what this is about? 

Jennie : No.... don't get us wrong. But the Lisa that we know and I love, loves to shop so much. I get it your busy but you always find time to shop. And our trip to Paris, you've just been on the phone the whole time. We didn't even get to talk or share a romantic moment. It was just me and your mum and you are on a date with your phone. 

Lisa : Hun... Look.... Listen to me.... First, I'm sorry if i have been to busy... but I need you to trust me right now. Even you Jisoo unnie and Chaeng... yes, I am really very busy right now and this is on another level and I need you two to look out for Jennie... I won't always  be around... but please... just be patient with me... just a little more time... just a little more time Hun... Trust me, okay? I got this... I won't screw this up I just really need to work very hard right now... or else... i can lose everything... I love you and there's no need to doubt about anything or anyone... you just have to trust me right now... i need you guys... your support is what gives me strength. Okay? So if you'll excuse me... I really need to go. I won't be home late, I promise. I love you.

And Lisa took her leave after the confrontation... She is somewhat worried after learning that Jennie go over her things to investigate on her  whereabouts but she is even more worried now that they are speculating, all the more reason for her to pull this off. 

"Hey! Are you back here?"

"Yes. Where shall we meet?"

"Can we meet at mum's place? We can't be photographed together."

"Understood. I'll be there in 30mins. "

"Great. I'm on my way there too. See you."

@ Lisa's Mom's Apartment

Lisa : Hey, I'm glad you made it. Sorry for such short notice. 

 Kim : It's fine. I wanna make sure you got everything covered. We don't wanna waste a single penny, do we?

Lisa : Yes. I'm actually very nervous right now. I don't know how they'll take it. But ---

Kim : Hey, as long as you have the heart for this and you know why you're doing it, it's all gonna be valid no matter how it turns out. But as I see it, I know it will turn out well. It's gonna be massive. I'm excited for you, Lisa.

Lisa : Thank you, Kim. I have never made this big of a decision in my entire life but I think it is very timely and what I'm risking is all of my earnings and not of my parents'. 

Kim : I know... that's why I know why you're working so hard right now. Have you finished the list? 

Lisa : Yes... I think I'm ready. 

Kim : Great. Now let's have a run through with all the legal aspects... let's ensure we aren't missing on any detail. These are sharks, Lisa. You always have to be one step ahead of them. The moment we reveal this must be checkmate for all of them. 

Lisa : I know... we must calculate their moves... and think of all possible scenarios. But it's so hard hiding things from Jennie and from my members. Earlier, we almost got into a fight. Would you believe they were already checking on my things? And I bet they saw my bank statement. Luckily, I was able to think of a solid alibi. I don't want them to think that I am really running low on cash. This must work, Kim. I have no other options. I have sold all my luxury watches and bags for this. All my lifework is here. 

Kim : Don't worry... you have a great team and the best support system. Your mum and your dad. 

Lisa : I know... but you can't blame me if I feel this way... this is Korea after all. Imagine the criticism I'll be getting after this goes out? I think I'll take a break from social media.

Kim : Don't do that. I believe in you. I know you can pull this off. 

Lisa : *sigh*

Kim : So... going back to business, the bosses are thrilled to finally making this official. 

Lisa : Really? 

Kim : They have handed me over all the necessary documents aside from the first one that I gave you. This, my friend, is the real deal. Once this gets signed by everyone, that's it. I know it's gonna be a rollercoaster ride. But I'm certain you have the heart for this. I have faith in you, Lisa. 

Lisa : Thanks, Kim. Now let's get to work.  I need to be home before Jennie goes to bed or else, the cat will surely be mad at me. I don't want that. I have so much in my head right now. 

Kim : You got it. 


Yerobeun... wow... the last chapters came in quick I know... ideas were pouring in my head so I decided to go for a triple update. 

Again, thank you. 

Next chapter will be the LAST. 

I love you all so much. 

Please hang in there for the big reveal. 

All your questions will be given an answer. :)

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