Chapter 2

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Melissa's POV:

I wake up and my head is pounding. I have a sore throat along with aches in my legs. When I try to move them, I can't. I feel something tugging on them. They're against something. When I try to move my hands it's the same thing. I can feel one hand in the other.

My eyes are foggy. I have to blink what feels like 100 times until I am able to see. I see nothing but an empty room. There's me, a bookshelf, and a dresser. They are both empty. With what I remember, Thanksgiving was yesterday. I don't know how long I've been out for. It could be three days since then, a week maybe. I look down and see that I'm tied to a chair.


Where was he? I'm glad he wasn't there when this happened. There is something in me that can never see him hurt. He's already got a cane for the rest of his life. He doesn't need any more injuries. I try to keep him safe and out of trouble.

My knife. I press my leg against the legs of the chair. I don't feel anything pinching my ankle. My knife isn't there.

I try to move my mouth but I can't. I should have guessed whoever took me would have duck taped my mouth. What did I do? Why was I taken from my own home?

I try to scoot the chair in every direction, but I can't. It's connected to the floor. Of course, why wouldn't it be?

I should be freaking out more than I am. To tell you the truth, whatever knocked me out did a good job because I still feel sleepy. I can't think straight. I look down and I forget what color the walls are. This isn't good. This isn't me.

I try to knock some sense into myself when I hear screaming. It turns into screeching. It's a man's voice. I can tell it's not James.

I hear footsteps coming towards the door. They're slow and loud. I don't know what to prepare myself for when that door opens. I know that there's no way for me to defend myself.

Tim's POV:

The traffic in Washington is so much better than L.A. traffic and I only had to deal with it for a day. Not even.

"Ziva. Tim and are about to be there. Give us ten minutes. Okay, bye."

She hangs up. I can tell by that conversation that they haven't found her yet. Damn it.

I stay looking out the window. She out there somewhere. We have to know soon. Now. She has to know we're looking for her. She has too. I need her to have that hope. I need to have hope. I don't know about the rest of them but I'm not stopping until I find her. Alive. I don't care how long it takes.

I look down at the watch and notice that Abby was spot on. It took us ten minutes to get to work. We rush out of the cab and grab our things.

Abby and I get on the elevator and press the button to our floor and immediately press the button to close the door. I push it five times.

I stand there for a second and pull a Gibbs. I make the elevator stop and it shuts the lights off.

"McGee what are you doing? We have to go! We have to find her."

"How am I supposed to act?" I'm rubbing my hands up and down my suit. They're sweating because I'm nervous.

"What are you talking about?"

"My girlfriend is missing. Am I supposed to act like my girlfriend is missing or my friend? Those two reactions are completely different or least I think so."

Abby grabs my face and looks me right in the eyes. She waits until I'm looking back at her and take a deep breath. "You act like a person you care about just went missing. You act like the rest of us. I know this is hard on you. Just take it like you would if one of us went missing."

What's Going to Happen: NCISOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz