Chapter 15

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Tim's POV:

Getting up this morning for work was easier than I anticipated. I slept like a baby for the first time, since I was a baby. Definitely an exaggeration, but you know what I mean.

I had that morning when nothing bad happened. My coffee stayed in its mug. My suit was ready for the day. The water was on at my place. While I was doing all of this, I remembered that my girl is safe at home with Ziva and James. James I'm skeptical about. Knowing that Ziva is there makes me relax because I know she will have Melissa in her best interest. I know Melissa told me that he hasn't had a sip of alcohol in years, but I can't help but worry.

I just wonder what to do about the letter I'm trying to write to her. When Melissa told me that she knew those letters weren't from me and she knew who wrote them, I felt my heart fall to my stomach and made my entire body freeze. I thought I heard her giving up on us for a second there. Yet, she sat on the phone and told me that she loves me and that she needs me. What more can I ask for?

I don't think it's a good idea to tell her what I was feeling. I can just show her through my actions. Actions speak louder than words. Me giving her space is something she is going to be thankful for. I want her to take time for herself more than I want to see her because I love her. I want her to heal from this. I know she will never forget this happened to her but if I can take her mind off of it for a second, then I'll feel like I made a difference in her life, more than she's said that I've had.

I think about the time I will hold her in my arms. I won't take that for granted again. I hold her there until she can feel how much I truly love her. I'll-


I look up and feel a force go against the back of my head. I flinch and see Gibbs in my face and Tony at my side.

"McGoob. He just asked you to put out a BOLO four times. Where are you right now?"

I sit there and put my fingers against the keyboard and start doing what my boss asked me to do. I didn't hear him any of the times he asked me. That's weird. I usually do what he wants before he even know what he wants.

"Sorry boss." That was weird.

I almost finish doing my quick chore and I hear Gibbs head slap Tony before walking away. He gives me a nod and walks over to Ziva's desk. She isn't here because Gibbs told her to stay with them. I know Ziva would have done it on her own; but we've seen her when she's wanted to do nothing but work and what she has done to achieve that.

I put out the BOLO and my phone goes off.

I take a look and see her name across the screen.

Have a good day at work, handsome.

I smile, not paying attention to my surroundings.

Melissa always finds a way to make me smile even when she isn't trying. It's weird to feel and sleep better now that she's home. And yet, I still find myself being farther away from her than ever. I knew this was going to happen. I don't want to give in and see her before she's ready. She hasn't asked me to go over to her place. She hasn't asked to come to mine. These messages and her sweet words make it hard to keep this promise to myself. I just have to think of her getting better.

I wonder if Gibbs is going to send her to see the therapist. I wonder if the one we had a few months back was replaced. No one ever saw her because everyone, especially Gibbs, ran away from her. I saw her with a bunch of her things heading towards the elevator one day. I haven't seen her roaming around since, so I figured she left.

I can tell you one thing; Melissa is the only one of us who has listen to staying home. She isn't rushing to work like the rest of us have in the past. That's saying a lot because usually it's the first day and that's when all you want to do is work. She doesn't have any equipment to use at home or a case to go off of, so, how could she? I think she's told me she has a few things because of her mom watching the Forensic Files with her, but that's kids' stuff.

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