Chapter 21

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Melissa's POV:

My day with James yesterday was fine. We hung out and talked. There would be times we didn't talk and those were the best because we didn't mind. The noise of the news reporter would fill the room. Maybe the only sound would be him flipping the paper and that would be fine. It was a day we never had before. It was nice.

This morning when I came up in a sweatshirt and shorts, he saw the bruises on my legs. They aren't as bad as they were to be, but he tried to hide his anger that they're there in the first place.

I said it was no big deal as I was grabbing ice for myself. I didn't think to text Tim because I was getting back on my sleep schedule and it felt weird to be getting back to the way things were.

Before I could walk out of the kitchen, James is already walking in and telling me to wait. I took a seat at the little table we have and waited. He came up from looking in the cabinet under the sink. He comes over to me with a heating pad.

"Using heat will increase blood flow. You can ice it still but put heat on it as well."

I don't want to tell him there are bruises in several other places. He doesn't like the four that he sees on my legs, he doesn't have to know about the others.

"Thank you." I say.

He examines your face. "Strange. Your eye looks like it's healing faster than the ones on your legs." He shrugs and chuckles. I didn't make any bets on which part of me would heal the fastest. I just want the one on my eye to go away because it's the one most people see.

"Do you want coffee?" He asks.


He makes us coffee and we make our way to the seating area. A quiet morning is a nice morning. I don't like talking too much in the morning. I used to hate sitting with him in silence because of the things I thought he would say. Now, it's growing on me. I must get that from him. It's nice to just enjoy each other's company and listen to whatever is happening in this hectic world. Tim and I are the same way. We can sit and watch a movie together. He can play a video game and I will look at the books on his shelves. I want to find that one book he didn't want me to read that one night. I can never find it while I'm there so I would just give up and look at whatever he did have.

While we sit here, enjoying the coffee, there's a knock on the door. We haven't had many visitors until recently, and it's still instinct for me to get up and get it.

"Wait, don't open it."

"Dad," I say, trying to reason with him. "I'm okay. You're here and I'm doing better. Besides, it's morning, what criminal would commit the crime in pure day light?"

He smiles, glad that I can joke about my abduction. I'm not 100% better, but I am really close.

I take a deep breath and open the door to see Gibbs is waiting for me on the steps.

"Good morning."

Tim's POV:

I sit at my desk waiting for Tony and Ziva to stop bickering about something I'm sure they've bickered about 100 times.

"I just don't understand how you can be so disgusting."

Here we go.

"Disgusting? Ziva, I am appalled by your accusation. I am merely giving them hope that they can make it to where you and I are. I think that is a pretty nice thing for me to do."

Ziva slams a stack of papers on a desk that catches a lot of people's attention. "Telling them that you have an "in" on getting them a job here if they go on a date with you isn't being nice." She says in a stern voice.

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