Chapter 58

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

I'm not sure whether to go up to the door or wait in the car. I know she seemed fine when we're texting this morning. She sounded okay on the phone until the end. She got quiet and then quickly said she would see me at home. I didn't jump to conclusions and just waited for her to text me when she would be ready.

I take out my phone to call her.


"Hey baby. I'm here but take your time."

"It's alright, I'm ready."

She hangs up. I wonder if she's telling James that she's going out with me. I wonder if she told him where she will actually be tonight, in my apartment with me.

She opens the door, and I nearly jump because I was so deep in thought that I didn't know she was walking up to the car.

"Hey handsome." She grabs my face and presses her bright pink lips to mine. I don't mind that I didn't say hello with her tongue in my mouth now. This is a greeting I could get used to. I want to bring her over the console and take her in the car, but in reality, I want to do things right this time.

"Hey beautiful..." my eyes go down to her outfit and I can't believe what she's wearing. "Pretty in Pink."

She giggles and kisses me before putting on her seat belt.

She wore this dress when we went on our mess of a first date. We were joking about movies and how I was the Jake to her Samantha. When she showed up dressed in pink, it made sense because we were talking about her being Molly Ringwald. No matter what she wore, I ached for her then, but I wanted to make the night perfect and it turned into kind of a mess.

Melissa almost got her hair cut off. I almost had to drive a drunk Tony home. We nearly fell off a piano, that would have made the night really interesting. I nearly cried in front of her and brought up memories I'm sure she wanted to keep a memory, but she opened up to me like I did to her. That meant so much to me.

I start to drive and grab her hand tight. She laughs and holds my hand with both of hers. "Nervous, are we?"

I guess my hands are a little clammy. "Yeah. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm nervous too. It's a weird feeling being able to be us around them. I feel like I'm so used to controlling myself around you that I don't know how to act when I don't have to."

I take her hand to my lips. "I know, baby. Just be yourself like always."

"I'm assuming we're going to the usual place."

I shake my head. We go to the same bar every time. The people should know us by now, but they know our faces and the tips more than anything else.

"How was work? Everything alright?"

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