Chapter 62

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

Dinner didn't go as planned. When we got to the restaurant, all Sarah could talk about was how nice the people were and the food. She would comment on the décor anytime I would open my mouth. Even when I would try to ask her about school, she wouldn't give me a chance before jumping to the chance to speak.

In the car, she played the music as loud as she could. On the way home, I didn't try to say anything to her because I knew she would either start singing or make the music louder than I ever thought possible.

I'm in the living room, blowing up the air mattress with my inhaler by my side. Sarah comes out of my room in her pajamas already.

"Do you want to watch a movie? We could watch those Star Wars movies that you like. Unless, you want to give something normal a chance for a change."

"No, but you go ahead."

She sits at my desk. "Is something wrong? You didn't say anything on the way home."

"I didn't think you would let me since you haven't let me get a word in all night."

I continue to blow up the mattress, and I'm feeling lightheaded. Sarah comes over and takes the thing from me. "Let me do it. You need an inhaler for Christ's sake."

As she does that, I go to brush my teeth and get as comfortable as I can before sleeping on the floor for a few nights.

By the time I come back, the mattress is done and she's flipping through channels. "So, you said we would talk about dad tonight."

"I think I said that when I was starving. Everything must have gone to my head." She says that when in reality, she barely touched anything on her plate. She would only chew something when I would ask her question. It took her minutes to chew one thing. I know she was just avoiding me any chance she could.

I take the remote from her and turn off the TV. "Hey!"

I sit down next to her. "What's going on with you? I know dad would at least reach out to you when he's away, but what's different this year?"

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