Chapter 44

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Melissa's POV:

Though the tears started at full force, they stopped shortly after because I realized that the secret is out. The secret is finally out and it's as if I can almost breathe again. I was hesitant to be Abby's assistant, but I did it. I was really never an agent, so I didn't feel bad about doing the work along with the agents.

This office, this title is what was making me think I've let this secret go on too far.

The arguing that was going on in the meeting showed me that I did let it get out of hand. I couldn't stand seeing these people arguing over something that I don't deserve. Something I should have never gotten in the first place.

It did sting when I found out they all knew and never said anything. I always thought it was weird that they never asked questions about my education, but I didn't bring attention to it. It made sense for me not to ask them because of the thought they would ask the same thing in return. I didn't think anything of it when Gibbs asked me to go out in the field with them. He saw my resume. He could have searched the college website to see if everything was true. That's why I was surprised that the company sent me an email with the subject being "Welcome to NCIS." I thought it was a joke. I thought they were just making me look at the internships they had, but it was the real deal. I was hired.

When Tim and I got involved, I had a lot of baggage. He sat there and he listened. He listened when I talked about James, mom, Sean, and high school. I wanted to tell him; I really did. Then, there just came a point where I forgot about it. I was able to walk around here without it constantly being on my mind. That all changed when I got this promotion. It was haunting me again. I wanted to tell him, but he was the one who went mute when I wanted to tell him. When he finally spoke, it was to break my heart. I don't know how to feel about him and all of this.

All I know is my face is dry and it's as if I feel nothing.

I get up to make coffee to fix that.

It's as if I don't know how to move. I don't know what to do because the truth is out, and it feels... good? It's as if I feel lighter. I'm no longer walking on eggshells. I'm not in fear that it will come up one day and I will have to leave everyone.

The words that Tony and Gibbs said are replying in my head.

"Because you deserve it."

"Because you belong here."

They knew my secret the whole time while I was walking in here every day, nervous that it would be my last.

I'm not putting all the responsibility on them. Like I've been saying, it all started with me. I lied, but I didn't make them go along with it. I also never stood up and said what I did.

Walking out of that room I thought I was going to pack up all my things and leave. I thought the tears would never stop, but I feel better than I did before. I wasn't listening to them while I was in the room, but now that I'm out of there it's all I can hear.

I went from feeling sad to relieved. Then, to feeling nothing to having no idea how to feel.

Before I can finish my coffee, there's a knock at the door. I can only imagine who it is.

Instead of just inviting anyone in, I drag my feet to the door and open it slightly. Eyes meets mine and they're Tony's. He and Tim may both have green eyes but his are a different green. They're darker with more walls up than Tim.

"Hey Peters." He says.

The more I open the door, I can see Ziva and Tim standing behind him. They look sad like I was a few minutes ago.

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