Chapter 84

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Melissa's POV:

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Melissa's POV:

"Hey handsome," I say as we're holding hands walking through racks of clothes. "when I said I didn't want to do anything for New Year's Eve, you know that meant shopping right?"

He got me up this morning and told me to get dressed because he wanted to go out for coffee. Little did I know that after the coffee stop, we would be coming to the mall to go to Shop of Thrift. I haven't been here in so long. So long that I think it was during the Dominic era, back when he wasn't Dominic, but Rodrigo.

Tim smiles wide because he knows he won this round. "You never said we couldn't go shopping you just said you would rather stay home." I don't respond. Instead, he takes my hand to spin my around into his arms.

"Besides, I want you to have more clothes. I know you don't care about material things and I know because of who you are you don't like when people pay for things. But if you could just do this for me so I can ease my mind and know that you're okay at least in this area and know that I did something to support you; that would mean everything to me."

I sigh but I think about how there's more than one light at the end of this tunnel. "Does this mean I'm paying half the rent?" I smirk at him.

He wants to say no so bad, but he knows he can't this time. I can hear the frustration in his sigh. "For now."

I giggle and bring my lips to his. There aren't many people in here, so I don't care about our display of affection.

"Come on." He says smiling.

We walk around the store and I pick only a few things that catch my eye. When I look over at the register, I noticed that the woman that is always here isn't here today. It's someone who looks her age, but it isn't her. I hope she's okay. I remember the last run in we had it wasn't as cheery as it used to be. I know something was going on with me but maybe something was going on with her too. I know I'll come back here to shop again. If anything, I just hope to see her soon.

We get to the register and Tim is giving me hard time here too. "Are you sure there's nothing else that you want? Did you check that rack over there? I don't think we went over to that wall?"

I take his hand. "Hey handsome, you're lucky I'm not throwing your card across the store and paying for this while you go get it. I'm fine with what I have."

He smiles and kisses my forehead. When we're done in the store. I run to his car because it's way too cold for my liking.

He's driving home and all he's doing is smiling.

"What?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "You're just cute that's all."

I take his hand and we make our way home.

I have to say even though I didn't want to go shopping today and it was out of my comfort zone for him to pay for my clothes, it's overall been amazing. I haven't thought about work all day and it's because of him. I know there are things that are unsolved, but I couldn't care about them right now. Tim and I are looking towards our future and having fun going into the new year together. There's nothing I would want to do to mess this up and if not thinking and not worrying about work means I'm going to be happy with him then so be it.

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