Chapter 6

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Melissa's POV:

I don't know how he's doing it, but David has been sleeping for hours. I know it has been hours because it feels like days since he told me that he didn't send me the emails. Time is funny when you're held hostage. I still don't understand what he meant when he said he didn't send them. I've had plenty of time to think because there is no way I'm sleeping in this place and I can't get answers until he wakes up.

I remember the email and the dissection of the name drives me nuts. Dgarcia1988. The numbers go without saying that they're the year of whoever was born. D is the first initial of the name. Then, there's their last name. Useless.

My neck is killing me. I lean back. I lean forward. My butt has no feeling in it, yet I can feel that it's uncomfortable as well. My shoulders are being affected by my constant head rolling. I try to just roll my ankles to bring feeling back into my feet and I can't even do that. Dominic will be satisfied to hear that, which is why I'm not going to tell him or show it.

More hours pass by and David is still sleeping. I can see he's breathing, so I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about all his other injuries. How many open wounds does he have that haven't been treated? How long has he been here has been my question from the start and I still don't have an answer? Pathetic.

I know Dominic has been feeding him. He has the same amount of body weight he had the last time I saw him. If he's been here long, which I can see with my own eyes, then Dominic hasn't been completely heartless.

A kick opens the door. "Breakfast for my favorite hostages!" He's completely lost it. I liked it better when I could hear his footsteps coming. Can't he still want to be suspenseful?

His obnoxious yelling woke up David. Good, because this way he can eat, get energy and stay awake to tell me what has been going on.

He has two plates in his hands. They have a piece of toast with butter on it and an apple. Breakfast of champions, I guess.

He starts to laugh at himself. "I forgot that you two can't feed yourselves because you're all tied up!" He's hysterical.

"You've told that joke too many times for me to pretend laugh at it anymore." David mumbles.

That joke I do laugh at and Dominic isn't happy about it. He shoves the plate under David's nose.

"Aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten since the last time you tried to be funny."

"I thought it was pretty funny."

He doesn't smile until he has an idea in his head. "Oh, well then I guess the comedian should get two plates." He tilts the plate so that all the food from mine falls on to David's.

"I couldn't agree more." He hates that I'm not backing down. He doesn't understand how I have the energy to be so strong, especially without food. He hates that he doesn't understand it even more.

He goes behind David and takes the rope of his wrists. My eyes widen at first, but I dial it back, so he doesn't see my surprise.

"You know the rules," His hands are free, but Dominic picks up his bat. "you're fine until you try anything. That's when I swing."

There are rules. How long has he had these rules and how many times has David heard them?

I watch David eat slowly. It hurts him just to do that. I can see he has a bruise on his wrist, and it isn't from the rope. He must have tried to escape when he untied him. I guess that's how he knows the rule.

He looks up at me but not at Dominic. "Come on, man. She has to eat too."

"No, I don't." Dominic hates me. I don't think he knew he could hate me more than he already did.

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