Chapter 3

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Tim's POV:

I took the elevator to get to the lab to have a moment by myself. I have to get my head in the game. I've never had to balance the boyfriend and coworker role like this before. We were always on the same page whether she was with me or in the lab with Abby.

McGee get it together. All you have to do is work and look for her like she's your girlfriend and the reason you've made it here as long as you have, which is true. Then, out loud care for her like she's your best friend. True again.

I hold on tight to the watch as if having it on my wrist is showing that she's holding on too. She's fighting. She's living if not for her than for me. I need her. I don't say it enough, but she makes me happier than I ever have been in my entire life. She's like no one I ever met before. We all thought her, and Abby were a good fit for each other because of their music taste and likeness for black and band t-shirts.

They're the same but different. Abby doesn't have her mind. Abby doesn't think the same way as Melissa. I'm glad Melissa was able to look past the whole me and Abby thing. I won't say this to Abby, but I don't count it. We went out and she had a list for guys that if they didn't meet the requirements within three months, she cuts them off. I don't know why I didn't make the cut and I don't care.

It's been over a year. A year and one day with the one I love. I love her and she loves me for me. I never met anyone like that. She loves me for me and doesn't tease me like Tony. She doesn't make faces like Ziva and Abby. She doesn't ignore it like Gibbs. She asks me to explain it to her and expose it to her. I love her.

I'm about to walk off the elevator when I'm startled by Gibbs coming on with his cup of coffee. He points his finger which orders me to stay where I am. He does what he always does and what I did to Abby earlier. He shuts the elevator off and leaves us with no lights.

"McGee." Jeez, he got up here fast. "I want to ask you something."

Yes, we're dating, and I will do anything and everything to find her and you can't stop me. "Yeah boss?"

"Melissa. She wasn't acting weird or anything when she left you guys last night, was she?" I squint my eyes. "She wasn't in a rush or mentioned that she was going to see someone before she stopped at Ziva's place."

I shake my head as if we don't tell each other everything. "No. Nothing."

He looks around to make sure no one is listening to us. I look around too, knowing that we are in an elevator.

"Listen. I know her and Abby have gotten really close. Which is good because you know Abby's luck with assistants."

Oh yes, I do. One tried to kill her, but she held her own. Ever since then, she's wanted the lab to herself. That was until Melissa.

"I know you too are close." Oh, crap we're caught. We're caught and I can't hold my own. I'm about to throw up right in this elevator.

"You are the closest to her besides Abby. Abby probably knows her better than anyone else here. Even me."

Phew, that was a close one. I thought he had figured it out or has known all along and was going to beat some sense into me where no one could see. Melissa, I almost blew it. I think she can go without knowing this.

"I know how girls work. I know they don't spill secrets. But if you know anything or think of anything, like a close friend or maybe a boyfriend she has that wasn't Sean, I want you to let me know."

Sean. I forgot about him. We were on a mission to get the ones that out him in the witness protection program and I forgot about him. I forgot that he kissed her. It's not like she told him about us. I know she didn't flirt with him. I was there the majority of the time that they were together. But he still kissed her and that's what makes my blood boil.

What's Going to Happen: NCISजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें